Monster Hunter Rise Fucium Ore Guide

Fucium Ore is a valuable material
Fucium Ore is a valuable material / Photo Courtesy of Capcom

In Monster Hunter Rise, Fucium ore is a very useful, high-rank forging material that players will need to craft and upgrade a variety of weapons and armor. Fucium Ore, similar to its other ore counterparts, can't be obtained from harvesting monsters, it has to be harvested from deposits. And considering it's a high-rank material, only deposits farmed during high-rank missions will yield this resource.

So, where can players find Fucium, and what can they do with it?

Monster Hunter Rise Fucium Ore Guide

The Sandy Plains are one of the best places to look.
The Sandy Plains are one of the best places to look. / Photo Courtesy of Capcom

There are actually three notable locations where players can find Fucium. These are the Sandy Plains Flooded Forest, and Lava Caverns. The Sandy Plains are one of the best places to find Fucium, specifically because of a cluster of easy to access deposits in regions five and six. Of course, the other two aren't bad either, with the Lower level of the Lava Caverns and regions six and seven of the Flooded Forest having decent amounts of Fucium deposits as well. Although both blue and white deposits can drop Fucium, white ones have a much higher drop rate, so look for those. As with all ores, a high geologist skill helps with maximizing the materials player can get from an ore. Leveling the skill up to a high level is a good idea before farming for Fucium, or any ore.

Once players find Fucium, there's a lot of armor and weapons they can craft or upgrade with it. Some notable examples include the War Basher, Castellum Long Sword, and Titanic Makra. Hopefully by now, you'll know where to look for Fucium, how to maximize gains, and what to use it for.