Nadeshot Roasts "Absolutely Terrible" Call of Duty Anti-Cheat as Cheaters Dominate MW3 Ranked Play

Check out Nadeshot's roast of "terrible" Call of Duty anti-cheat.
Check out Nadeshot's roast of "terrible" Call of Duty anti-cheat. / Jerritt Clark/GettyImages

After just a couple weeks back on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Ranked Play, Nadeshot roasted the ineffective Call of Duty anti-cheat.

It is no secret that MW3 Ranked Play is full of cheaters. Although the developers locked Ranked Play to those lower than a Level 55 in MW3, players exploiting cheats and hacks are still dominating lobbies, especially in the Top 250. Even if you do not play multiplayer Ranked Play, you have surely seen a clip of your favorite streamer or professional player dying in an absurd way.

More and more notable players are speaking out against the current state of Ranked Play, including 100 Thieves CEO, Matthew "Nadeshot" Haag.

Nadeshot Roasts "Absolutely Terrible" Call of Duty Anti-Cheat as Cheaters Dominate MW3 Ranked Play

After a particularly frustrating afternoon of MW3 Ranked Play, Nadeshot voiced his disappointment with the "absolutely terrible" Call of Duty anti-cheat. The former Call of Duty champion recently returned to Twitch after the birth of his daughter and has experienced firsthand just how out of control cheaters are in MW3 Ranked Play.

In a lengthy post on X, Nadeshot wrote, "But for real, Ricochet is absolutely terrible and regardless of data shared with the community, it’s not working. Ranked MW3 is plagued with cheaters and I don’t even want to know what Resurgence looks like." He continued, "You guys do so many things right but can’t keep up with all of the missteps you take. Fix anti-cheat, this should be the biggest priority you have internally."

Nadeshot was also complementary to the developers, noting all the great changes that came with MW3, like the return of movement and "solid" gunplay. However, no one can even enjoy the improvements because Ranked Play lobbies are simply unplayable half of the time.

The content creator ended his post with a plea to the developers: "I love this game and we’re on the right track, but please fix these glaring issues before we start getting slammed with news and marketing about this year’s new title launch."

It goes without saying that the Call of Duty community agrees with Nadeshot, and hopefully, the Ricochet anti-cheat team will make better strides moving forward.
