NBA 2K20 Face Scan Error: How to Fix
By Samuel Basel
NBA 2K20 face scan error is a wildly annoying bug preventing players from getting the most out of one of the game's most fun features.
Since NBA 2K10, players have been able to immerse themselves like never before with MyCareer, allowing you to put yourself in the game and live your NBA Dream.
Since 2K15, this mode became as immersive as ever with the introduction of face scanning. Now, instead of spending hours trying to perfect your character's look and only having them look remotely like you, you were able to take a photo of your face and have it directly placed onto your character.
NBA 2K20 Face Scan Error: How to fix
This feature has been far from perfect, leaving some scanned faces to look like nightmare fuel.
Luckily, to prevent your player from looking like a melted wax figure, 2K games has released a handy guide for scanning your player's face into the game.
Using the My2K20 app, the three most important things to keep in check when scanning your face are lighting, motion, and distance.
While any type of even lighting works fine, it's best to directly light your face when scanning. This can be annoying, so just stop moving your face to stop the scan if you need to blink.
Finally, angles are everything. It's best to look at the camera straight on, turning slowly at 45 degree angles until the app says it has completed a proper scan.
Image Courtesy 2K games