Netlimiter Destiny 2: What is it and is it Bannable?

Netlimiter in Destiny 2 can be a form of cheating. PC gaming has become easier to manipulate and cheat games through outside programs. Over the years we have seen the introduction of mods which have been prevalent in games such as Fallout and Skyrim. Mods have been harmless in those solo based RPGs however, programs like aim-bots used in Fortnite have come with major consequences and have even got player banned from the game as a whole. Destiny 2 has found its own controversial program which is the netlimiter, where we now find ourselves asking what is it and can be banned?
Netlimiter Destiny 2: What is it and is it Bannable?
Net limiting is beginning to become a trend in Destiny 2 as it has been used more and more in raids. There is not an official definition of what it is although, from our understanding net limiting is a third party program that is run intentionally in order to create lag for your internet in which is supposed to benefit you. According to Bungie forums it seems like Netlimiting has been around for a while and is not a new concept that sparked out of thin are. NL probably wont be banned as it just seems like a way for lazy players to get through 30 minute raids.