Outriders Spider Boss Molten Acari Guide
By Jack O'Dwyer

The Outriders Spider Boss, known in-game as the Molten Acari, is one of the first major battles players will face.
This fight isn't for the faint of heart or weak of stomach. The Molten Acari—sometimes spelled Akari—is essentially a giant, flaming tarantula made almost entirely of scalding hot lava. Those who have already braved the beast know this won't be over with a splash of water and a can of space Raid bug spray. Fortunately, we're here to help.
Here's a full breakdown of how to beat the spider boss.
Just a short note to reassure you that resolving the inventory wipe is our top priority and will remain so until fixed.
— Outriders (@Outriders) April 10, 2021
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Outriders Spider Boss Molten Acari Guide
It goes without saying that this encounter will rely on a more strategic approach than previous fights. Players will need to stay focused through all three—that's right, three——unique phases of combat as they whittle down the spider's health.
Phase One
Players start here and, unlike the next two phases, this part of the battle is relatively straightforward. The Acari will use standard fire-based attacks against the player while they try to take down its health. This means it will open lava AoE's, lava sprays, and full-body slams to keep the player on their toes.
We recommend keeping yourself out of the splash zone with long-range weapons and abilities. Try to balance your damage with keeping your health up. Remember: don't stand in blue. That's a one-way ticket to a fiery death.
Players should also be focusing on the Acari's weak spot on its lower abdomen. It should glow pretty bright—making it easy to see.
Phase Two
The Acari summons adds in this phase. This is where the player will have the most to keep track of: the mini spiders, the Acari's position in the field, and the Acari's extra attacks. Mini spiders will appear and chase the player around as they attempt to do damage. Meanwhile, the Acari will crawl back into the lava pool and onto the upper walls to deal damage from above.
Players should do the best they can to stay untouched during this phase. Don't rush in trying to get things done quickly as it's easy to get overwhelmed here. Kiting the adds while you take them down is fine, but remember they will continue to spawn from here on out.
We recommend taking shots at the Acari while it's crawling in the pool or on the floor. There's no benefit to craning your neck when there's so much going on already.
Phase Three
Now, players will finally be able to battle the Acari's "true form"—a large worm. The spider body now acts as its "head" and it will tower above you from the center of the cave. Its primary attacks are rotating walls of lava which you should be avoiding at all cost. Additionally, the adds will still be attempting to take you down, so make sure you don't start tunneling the boss.
The key to this fight is to pop the lava-filled bubbles or pustules on its body. This deals the most damage to the worm and will take it down swiftly. Fortunately, while this might be the strangest form of the creature, it's also the easiest to master.
Players can pick up their loot after the battle from the camp. Good luck!