Overwatch Client Requested Disconnect: What it is and How to Fix it

Overwatch Client Requested Disconnect is an issue that you might encounter as you are playing the game. The most commonly occurs when accessing highlights or replays, and attempting to save them. Here's a possible solution to the issue.
Science will reveal the truth. ??#Area51storm pic.twitter.com/4TfG2QVsFH
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) September 20, 2019
Overwatch Client Requested Disconnect: What it is and How to Fix it
The most common fix to the issue is a bit controversial, but has been known to be a successful workaround. What you’ll need to do is clean up your Battle.net cache folder in your file explorer as well as Battle.net tools.
While this won’t affect your Battle.net client or your game in a harmful way, this will delete any unsaved highlights permanently. You may be able to save the highlights before deleting the files by using a Video Card Driver such as Nvidia GeForce Experience or AMD Relive, but you will not be able to save them directly through Overwatch if facing the error.
If the issue still does not resolve itself, you may need to contact Blizzard directly for help.
Photo courtesy of Blizzard