Overwatch DPS Tier List February 2021

The Overwatch DPS Tier List for February 2021 is all about hit-scan heroes. Because dive compositions are not as viable as they were in the past, heroes that can stop flankers in their tracks are favored in most cases. Hit-scan heroes have proven to be more consistent than those that use projectiles, which is why most of the high-tiers are occupied by heroes that do not use projectiles like McCree and Ashe.
It is worth mentioning that the efficiency of each hero is dependent on a multitude of factors; this is list is not absolute. The game mode, the map, the experience of the player, are just a few determinants that are circumstantial. These are just heroes that tend to be consistently efficient in most (but not all) scenarios.
With that disclaimer out of the way, the DPS Tier List for February 2021 is as follows:
Thank you for 30 years of memories!
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) February 8, 2021
Let’s celebrate together at BlizzConline, February 19 – 20. #Blizz30 pic.twitter.com/OUQqJLZMLg
Overwatch DPS Tier List February 2021
1. Ashe
Despite her pick-rate going up and down since her release, as of now Ashe is a strong pick mainly because of her weapon. Being able to snipe or switch to a faster rate of fire means that she can handle long-range enemies as well as flankers with her disengaging skills.
2. McCree
McCree's stun is powerful against flankers trying to get around enemy lines, while his damage output is good at taking down shields fast. Being a hit-scan hero makes him a reliable DPS in most scenarios, be it flanking or defending.
3. Echo
Mobility, massive damage output, a mix of hit-scan and projectiles place Echo in the highest tier. Despite a nerf decreasing her ammunition from 15 to 12, she remains a strong pick for her survivability.
4. Tracer
A good Tracer player can blink right on time so that heroes that depend on abilities to disengage waste their resources trying to take her out. An overall great flanker, with high-mobility and a lot of burst damage.
5. Soldier: 76
This "old dog" can heal himself, take down shields and deal with flanks efficiently enough to grant him a place in the A-tier. His heavy-pulse rifle, and its ammunition, are a great counter against the double-shield meta.
6. Mei
Crowd control remains Mei's strongest area, and freezing a tank is almost like a death sentence to them. Being able to pick flanks while healing herself places her this high on the list.
7. Sombra
A common theme of this tier list is how well the heroes are against shield tanks. Sombra is a natural counter to all of them: Reinhardt, Orisa, Sigma, you name the hero and Sombra can hack them and render the double-shield meta useless during that match which is why she's in this spot.
8. Genji
Genji is a hero whose efficiency depends on multiple factors, arguably more so than other heroes. Nanoblade places him on the B-tier, since it can throw a team in disarray when done right.
9. Widowmaker
Shield heroes rely on their healers most of the time, and Widowmaker is perfect when it comes to taking out healers one-by-one from a distance. While not as effective in competitive play, she can be a force in solo queue against teams that are not communicating well.
The dragon awakens.
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) January 11, 2021
Play Overwatch Kanezaka Challenge on Jan 12! pic.twitter.com/C545E093CH
10. Hanzo
While he is definitely playable, Hanzo can not deal damage as consistently as other heroes like McCree. After his buff, his abilities allow for him to be a mobile sniper that can destroy shields, and like Widowmaker, being able to take out healers during this meta places him at this tier.
11. Pharah
Pharah's mobility and projectiles are somewhat similar to Echo's, and while she is good at taking down shields, the reason she is in this tier is because most Pharah players rely on a healer (normally a Mercy) to be very efficient, plus Pharah's efficiency in Route 66 is far different than if she were playing on Horizon Lunar Colony. Strong hero, but very circumstantial.
12. Reaper
This hero can definitely deal with tanks, but dropping two shotguns after every eight shots is not ideal when dealing with shields. Reaper has enough sustain to deal with tanks with a team, and his ultimate is strong in solo queue.
13. Junkrat
Like almost every hero in this tier and the one below, Junkrat is situational. Despite dealing a lot of burst damage, his projectiles are not consistent and he works best in specific game modes and maps.
14. Doomfist
If a healer is out, a shield tank is vulnerable. Doomfist is a great hero for taking out a support hero that is unable to react fast enough to his Rocket Punch. However, he is very reliant on his skills and one Flashbang could be the end of him when everything is on cooldown.
15. Bastion
This hero depends so much on the team as a whole, that despite being a hit-scan with a lot of damage output, the lack of mobility and overall vulnerability gave him this spot. Bastion's efficiency is extremely situational, but not non-existent.
16. Torbjorn
While he may have a game-changing ultimate, Torbjorn is a hero that relies on his teammates to protect the turret and him. His projectile weapon is not a consistent source of damage against shields, which is why he is this low in the tier list.
17. Symmetra
Photon Barrier could be an interesting addition to a triple-shield team, but Symmetra's overall kit is not efficient in every scenario. Unlike other damage dealers that can be viable in both attack and defense mode, she works similarly to Junkrat in that only a few game modes and specific maps are where she can shine the most (or in the hands of a professional Symmetra main).