Overwatch DPS Tier List March 2021
Season 26 is coming to an end, but here is the tier list for Overwatch's DPS heroes in March 2021. In this list, we will be looking at heroes who can either delete the enemy healers quickly (in the case of snipers) or melt down the barriers of the enemy Reinhardts or Orisas as quickly as possible. Some heroes that fit the criteria are the following:
- Tracer
- McCree
- Ashe
- Echo
Be it from a distance or up close, these characters are not only great at bringing down barriers with their damage output but can also take care of nuisances from afar. A good Tracer can leave the enemy team healer-less, and a good Ashe or McCree can take down an enemy Widowmaker when done right.
- Mei
- Soldier: 76
- Hanzo
- Reaper
The changes to Hanzo's arrows make him a good hero pick as a sniper and as a "barrier breaker" when done right. Soldier: 76's rate of fire has always been great against barriers, not to mention that he also provides healing to his allies. Mei is more situational, but her crowd control and strength in "defense" modes have landed her a spot here. Reaper is tricky to use, but he is a great tank buster that can come in handy during team fights and his ultimate synergizes well with others like Earthshatter and Graviton Surge.
- Widowmaker
- Doomfist
- Genji
Snipers have seen a rise in popularity thanks to their ability to deal a large amount of damage from an almost unreachable distance, and Widowmaker falls into this category perfectly.
- Torbjorn
- Sombra
Sombra and Torbjorn might be good picks at the beginning of certain matches (in offense and defense respectively) however, in team fights, neither can provide as much as heroes in the higher tiers. They can be useful in lower ELO matches, where people may not know how to deal with Torb's turrets, but it's in very specific situations that these two shine.
- Symmetra
- Bastion
Both of these heroes are extremely immobile, but they are worth a mention since they can be effective in specific maps and ranks. Bastion's sentry mode has a high fire rate, and a lot of ammunition, that melts barriers quite easily. Symmetra's ultimate is a barrier itself, which can be an advantage when coupled with heroes like Sigma or Reinhardt. However, they do need their team a lot, and for that, I'm placing them in this tier.
Even though not all of the damage dealers were explained thoroughly, do bear in mind that this is a list based on what the current meta is like and it ranks how heroes perform generally. Regardless, every player should use the hero they feel the most comfortable with.