Overwatch DPS Tier List May 2021

With the month of May rolling in, we have a tier list of Overwatch DPS heroes. We will be looking at heroes who can produce the best damage per second in combat. Here are some of the heroes who land on certain tier rankings:
- Ashe
- Genji
- Roadhog
- Soldier 76
Jumping in solo or with a group, these heroes make a difference when it comes to pushing the point. Their unique skills and abilities make opponents nervous. Ashe can take down Pharah or Echo patrolling the skies, and Genji can wipe out enemies by himself if the team needs more time in holding objectives.
- McCree
- Reaper
- Tracer
- Zenyatta
If it's jumping into others' faces or passing opponents with a blink of an eye, these heroes are good in pick in disrupting the enemy from getting any closer. Reapers hellfire shotguns can clear rooms, and Tracer or McCree and takedown tanks when timing their accuracy.
- Pharah
- Sombra
- Lucio
Pharah and Sombra can be a good pick for certain maps that can players around or on objectives of the matches. They can provide as much intel for a good call-out so team members can adjust. Lucio is a great fit at the beginning of the match if players go with more tanks heroes than usual, getting them up to speed.
- Bastion
- Hanzo
These two heroes although strong, are good when it comes to staying with the team. Their firepower is great for taking out players, but these heroes sometimes need others to distract them from being taken out.
- Reinhardt
- Zarya
Both of these heroes are great for defending team members, but if Reinhardt or Zarya do not time their abilities correctly, it can cause them to be vulnerable out in the open if they do not have support. Their strength is superior but Zarya reloading her particle cannon could leave others defenses or Reinhardt's rocket hammer is only good for super-close range attacks.
Not all heroes made it on the list, but these are respectively chosen for their skills and abilities that were chosen for this month's tier list. In the end, players should use heroes that benefit each map when joining the competition or quickplay.