Overwatch DPS Tier List November 2021
By Jack O'Dwyer

It's time to see which heroes will be on the top and which will fall through the cracks to the bottom of competitive Overwatch this month, November 2021.
With Halloween come and gone, it's time to turn to something truly frightening: the Overwatch meta. We've sorted through all 16 DPS heroes and categorized them into four tiers—"S" at the top and "C" at the bottom. The placement has been judged based on both pick and win rates over the last 30 days, as well as general information regarding patch rebalances and kit abilities.
Here's our take on the best and worst DPS heroes in Overwatch.
When you realize they're not talking about GOATS or Double Shield meta pic.twitter.com/dSbnCWXkDW
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 28, 2021
Overwatch DPS Tier List November 2021
S Tier
- Tracer
- Pharah
- Doomfist
These are the stars of the month. They won't guarantee a win—only a fair amount of skill can do that. However, their abilities and place within the current meta and season certainly don't hurt. Franchise mascot Tracer has reclaimed her place in the S-Tier this month alongside Doomfist—crowd control and damage in on convenient package—and flying ace Pharah who can turn any battlefield into her own personal shooting gallery.
A Tier
- Ashe
- Reaper
- Soldier 76
- Echo
Heroes in the A Tier are your tried and true staples. These are the safe choices that most players already know how to handle and can play decently. They fit well into the majority of random compositions while offering a few avenues of unique and clever play when coordinated.
B Tier
- Cassidy
- Widowmaker
- Sombra
- Hanzo
- Junkrat
We're making an executive decision here and placing Cassidy in B-Tier for this month. After his wild buffs in the most recent patch, developers have acknowledged they may have gone a bit too far. Nerfs are inbound and, to err on the side of caution, we've made the assumption Blizzard may attempt to over correct the character. We'll have to see if this changes next month.
C Tier
- Bastion
- Genji
- Torbjorn
- Mei
These heroes tend to have the least utility or rely on a gimmick to succeed. Can this be useful? In certain situations, yes. A Torbjorn turret or molten meltdown can come in handy from time to time. Mei's crowd control abilities can become cornerstones of strategic plays. Unfortunately, that's where their competitive usefulness tends to level off.