Most-Played Overwatch Heroes Revealed

A new explanation of Overwatch play data has led to a ranking of the most-played heroes since the game's release in 2016.
A new explanation of Overwatch play data has led to a ranking of the most-played heroes since the game's release in 2016. / Activision-Blizzard, Magnar

A new explanation of Overwatch play data has led to a ranking of the most-played heroes since the game's release in 2016.

YouTuber Magnar published a video detailing the most-played heroes of Overwatch according to the number of minutes each hero had been played overall. In the nearly two-minute video, fans can watch their favorite heroes climb the chart to secure a spot as the community's most treasured characters available.

Most-Played Overwatch Heroes is the most played hero in Overwatch—likely surprising no one. She took the lead over Mercy early on in Season 1, Week 5 and held strongly to it despite the infighting beneath her. Of course, she was immediately followed by Zenyatta, who kept within at least the top three and four regardless of season. He hit his stride after Week 7.

In third place is Lucio, who held a steady place in the top ten until he began to climb around the beginning of Season 2. He quickly overtook Widowmaker, Tracer, Mercy, and Winston to claim his final spot by Week 14.

The most notable heroes in the ranking were Brigitte and Sigma who, upon release, skyrocketed through the charts.

From her debut at the end of Season 1 in Week 16, Brigitte managed to secure her place as the sixth most-played by Season 2, Week 20. From there, she was able to climb up one more spot to finish in fifth just barely behind Winston.

Sigma's release in Season 2, Week 20 led to his own rapid rise into Season 3, Week 14. He truly hit his stride immediately following this into the ending of the season—by which he had managed to hit fourteenth place and overtake other popular heroes such as Sombra, Genji, Mei, Moira, McCree, Junkrat, and more.

New hero Echo finished in 27th place, followed by Doomfist, Soldier 76, Torbjorn, Bastion, and Symmetra.