Overwatch Squelch Chat Console: How to Mute or Unmute

Overwatch Squelch Chat Console
Overwatch Squelch Chat Console / Photo courtesy by Blizzard Entertainment

The squelch chat console in-game can sometimes be overwhelming or a distraction. In competition it is hard to focus when players are in the heat of battle and channel is spammed with nonsense at times. Here is a simple way on how to mute and unmute the chat console.

Overwatch Squelch Chat Console
Overwatch Squelch Chat Console / Photo courtesy by Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch Squelch Chat Console: How to Mute

To turn off squelch chat console in-game for PC players, right-click the player name in chat and select your preference, or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Social menu.
  2. Navigate to the Groups or Recent Players menu.
  3. Right-click the player name and select your preference.

If players do decide to ignore certain players, they cannot whisper to you, and you will not receive their friend request or group invites. To unmute, just right-click the player's name muted to reverse the process.

For console players such as PlayStation and Xbox, can not turn off the squelch chat console in-game. This feature is not available and at most, console players can only mute players. It won't silence a player's spam (hello, thanks, understood, group up, need healing, ult status). Console players want this feature to be implemented to avoid spammers in chat.