Overwatch Summer Games: Five Things Blizzard Must Do for the Event

The Overwatch Summer Games 2019 is starting soon, and players are expecting significant changes for this event. Here are five things Blizzard must do for the Overwatch Summer Games, so that the playerbase doesn't feel disappointed.
Overwatch Summer Games: Five Things Blizzard Must Do For the Event
Fans are tired of repeating events that bring little change. Here is a list of what fans expect from Blizzard for Summer Games 2019.
1. Add More Legendary Hero Cosmetics
A majority of Summer Games skins have been a bit disappointing due to being recolors of a hero's default costume, typically done to represent the native country of that hero. If Blizzard really wants to excite their playerbase, they need to add more legendary skins. Summer Games 2017 did it best, adding skins like Cricket Junkrat and Biker Reaper to the game.
2. Add A New Brawl
Lucioball has been in every Summer Games Event since 2016. While it was fun at first, it has started to become a bit stale. Blizzard needs to add a new brawl if they want their players to feel excited for the new event.
3. General Matchmaking Improvements
The Overwatch team has recently announced that they have been trying to work on lowering queue times, as well as improving the cheat detection system. With cheaters becoming more of a common occurrence in the game, as well as queue times being seemingly worse at non-peak hours, Blizzard must add these changes as part of the Summer Games event to improve the overall quality of matchmaking.
4. More Experimentation with Competitive Matchmaking and Report System
Blizzard has done very little to change how competitive matchmaking works in Overwatch as the seasons have been passing. More and more players have become frustrated with the matchmaking system, being unable to play their preferred roles, and experiencing constant toxicity. Blizzard needs to overhaul their report system so that it actually has an impact, as well as implement some sort of change to matchmaking, such as a role lock or role queue system. The Overwatch competitive experience has received very little attention, and not much change has occurred since the game released in 2016. Blizzard needs to start experimenting.
5. Add More Incentive to Play the Game
The Overwatch team announced in a recent developer update that they would be adding a challenge system, much like Baptiste's reunion challenge, for each week that the event is live. This is a good step in the right direction, but there should be a good incentive for each challenge, such as earning legendary skins or exclusive items. The Overwatch team should also consider running a free weekend event to potentially bring in new players to the game, as well as promote the event. Blizzard needs to use the Summer Games event to show everyone that Overwatch has only improved over time, and that they are making changes that are beneficial to the longevity of the game.
Photos courtesy of Blizzard
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