Overwatch Support Tier List March 2021

Here is the support tier list of Overwatch heroes, just in time before the season extension ends. Supports do tend to rely on their team more so than most characters in the game, and their efficiency is affected on whether or not they synergize with the other heroes as well as the map that they are in. Without further ado, here is the tier list for support heroes this March.
- Baptiste
- Zenyatta
As established in the tank tier list, right now heroes with shields are preferred over heroes that do not. Baptiste has a rate of fire that helps bring shields down quickly, as well as his ultimate. Zenyatta's discord orb is a great asset in a team fight at just about any ELO, although he has been proven to be more efficient in higher ranks.
- Mercy
- Brigitte
Remember how shield heroes are preferred in this meta? It makes sense that Brigitte makes the list, with her crowd control and barrier. Although her barrier is more of a personal shield, she can stun other tanks and be an overall nightmare to squishy heroes. Mercy is a consistent healer, and thanks to her vertical mobility with characters like Echo or Pharah, she can reach various allies all over the map when used correctly.
Overwatch Support Tier List March 2021
- Lucio
- Ana
When the barriers are down, and the enemy team rushes for an ambush, Lucio's ultimate is a godsend that when timed properly can save the entire team. Ana is a good healer, but characters like Sigma or D.Va that can take projectiles with their skills render her less efffective.
- Moira
Similar to Ana, Moira's "bubbles" can be consumed by enemy heroes who have skills countering projectiles. She's very situational as well, since she performs the best in narrow hallways or "capture the point" maps. Being so circumstantial is what placed her in this spot.
Playing in different ranks was what led to the significant changes from the previous tier list for support heroes. Again, maps and players have a huge role on how well a hero performs. Just because Zenyatta is in the S-tier does not mean picking him will guarantee a victory. At the end of the day, make sure you're comfortable with the hero's playstyle so that you enjoy the game to its fullest.