Overwatch Support Tier List May 2021

The Overwatch support tier list for the month of May covers the best and worst heroes to use in the roll.
An all-new season starting in May also brings MM-Mei event to get a new hero skin from Mei Melee Tournament skin. The top four teams in the Overwatch League, two from the West and two from the East, will get in the ring and fight. With fighting, we have an all-new Tier list ranking of support heroes this month.
Overwatch Support Tier List May 2021
- Mercy
Mercy and her caduceus staff concentrate a beam of health to allies, restoring one to 100%. This support hero is all healing and can provide other characters a strong chance of fighting longer when Mercy has your back. Her Valkyrie suit enables flight, giving the player the ability to dodge incoming attacks and maneuver all over the map; giving the enemies a hard choice to take down Mercy or defend themselves from the opposing team protecting their support.
- Moira
Moira's healing abilities are strong and can also deal damage when enemies are bundled together. In close combat, she is extremely dangerous when launching biotic orbs that will bounce of walls back to her teammates. The support hero can also escape critical situations with fade, which lets her teleport out of fights. Moira's ultimate ability is coalescence, which is a long-range beam that heals teammates and damages enemies caught in the blast.
- Zenyatta
Zenyatta's harmony is dangerous, using the orb for destruction and healing this support hero makes the character a target in combat. Zenyatta does not need to alter the orbs between healing and attacking, but the downside is staying close to those in need; exposing the hero to danger. Zenyatta's transcendence ultimately provides a healing barrier where ever it's placed.
- Lucio
- Ana
These two support heroes respectively can boost the team's confidence. Their unique abilities can cover a large portion of healing from close-range to long-distance. Ana is the perfect hero to keep this support character at a distance and Lucio's abilities are perfect for holding the point as the team is healed within range.
- Brigitte
- Baptiste
These two heroes are great for armor and damage support at the beginning of the match, helping the team last longer in a fight. Brigitte specializes in the art of armor. She shows support by throwing repair backs and healing allies when adding damage to enemies with her weapon. Baptiste shows characteristics of a damage hero, with his assortment of weaponry and secondary abilities that help the team push forward with offense and defense.
These are the support heroes that shift the battlefield with their unique abilities and skills on each tier for the month of May.