Overwatch Tank Tier List March 2021

DBLTAP's Overwatch tank tier list is here! And for every tier list, we must begin with the disclaimer that the brackets at which these heroes are in are not set in stone. Zarya, for example, may be in the S-tier in "capture the objective" maps, Roadhog would also rank higher in places like Ilios or Shanghai. This list is based off on what the current meta is like most of the time, and what heroes the pros use.
- Orisa
- Sigma
Both Orisa and Sigma are seeing a steady rise in popularity at all ranks, particularly Grandmaster. It is no coincidence: a double-barrier combo with these two can prove useful, especially with the right communication. Both characters can also deal damage on their own, while still protecting teammates.
- Wrecking Ball
- Zarya
Wrecking Ball is being played more often as well, given that players at lower ranks have difficulty dealing with the hero who has decent crowd-control thanks to his kit and ultimate. Zarya's bubbles synergize with just about any tank that dives, and her Graviton Surge is always a core ability in the professional scene during team fights.
- Roadhog
- Reinhardt
Roadhog is an interesting tank, since his function is that of a DPS with a large health pool. The only reason he is not at a higher tier bracket is that there are multiple "barrier characters" being played. Then there's Reinhardt, who was for the longest time the first alternative for an anchor tank. Despite having a barrier that can last longer, Reinhardt can not deal damage while protecting his teammates.
- D. Va
- Winston
Similar to prior tier lists, these two are very situational and work when wanting to take down a specific enemy (i.e. a Widowmaker that is being problematic.) However, most of the tanks in the higher tier brackets can deal with D. Va's missiles and Winston's weapon does not deal enough damage to take care of an anchor tank fast, leaving them both in this spot.