Overwatch Tank Tier List May 2021

Overwatch tank tier list for the month of May, brings an all-new season for players to get a great start checking out this month's catalog.
An all-new season starting in May also brings MM-Mei event to get a new hero skin from Mei Melee Tournament skin. Four top teams in the Overwatch League compete, two from the west and two from the east will get in the ring for the tournament. Besides the competition for the tournament, we have a Tank tier list of heroes competing for the top.
Overwatch Tank Tier List May 2021
- Reinhardt
- Roadhog
Reinhardt and Roadhog are two dangerous tanks enemy players keep a distance from.
Reinhardt's massive rocket hammer takes out opponents with a few swings and his fast deployable shield makes him a strong tank character. Roadhog's tank abilities allow users to go in at times by themselves to deal with teams, with his skill, take a breather, which allows users to heal themselves to last longer in a fight. This dynamic duo is a top choice for tank players to make a path for their teammates.
- Zarya
- Wrecking Bal
- D.Va
This tank is known for its energy bubble shields that protect. Zarya is a difficult tank to use, but with the right player using her, she is very dangerous. Her Particle cannon uses a short beam of dangerous energy and can throw explosive charges to enemies. Winston the scientific tank, can cause a great deal of damage on groups of enemies bundled together.
These two mobility tanks can get to any location quickly. Wrecking Ball is a high mobility tank that rolls across the map. Quad Cannons can rip apart enemies at a medium range. Grappling Claw can clear the way for allies and minefield long-lasting proximity mines can disrupt enemy strategies in competition. D.Va's abilities and skills make her a very mobile tank. With the mech's fusion cannons can lay down a great deal of damage. The boosters on the mech can give a great short-range ability to jump in or out of a fight.
- Sigma
Sigma, a tank that is an eccentric astrophysicist and volatile, launches pinpoint attacks on enemies. Experimental barriers can disrupt strategic attacks on enemy locations, causing the players to shift positions. Sigma's skill and abilities are more in line with attacking rather than protecting allies in combat.
- Winston
Winston the scientific tank, can cause a great deal of damage on groups of enemies bundled together. Tesla cannon can bundle the users ultimate quickly to launch a primal rage, causing the enemy players to shift focus and lose distraction of the objective.
- Orisa
Orisa is a great tank hero who can provide covering fire with the Fusion driver weapon. The hero is a strong anchor in certain scenarios when it comes to pushing the point and defending it with a protective barrier. Although a very strong tank, Orisa's size makes the hero a vulnerable target when there is no one protecting her; with slow movements pinpointing an enemy with agility can be a downfall.
These are the tank heroes that shift the battlefield with their unique abilities and skills on each tier for the month of May.