Pokémon GO Egg Chart 2020: All the Pokémon Available in Eggs

The Pokémon GO egg chart for 2020 shows which Pokémon players can expect to hatch from the various eggs in the game. The lower distance eggs tend to contain more common Pokémon, while high distance eggs offer rarer prizes. Here are all the Pokémon available in eggs as of February 2020.
Note: Pokémon with an asterisk can also be hatched in Shiny form.
NO WAY!! Tonight I hatched my first ever shiny Klink from a 10km egg!!My hatch luck has been off the charts this month - this is my third shiny hatch and my fifth full odds shiny since the start of the New Year. Keep 'em comin'! #PokemonGO pic.twitter.com/HiqqaWFf3a
— MTNBEC (@MTNBEC) January 28, 2020
Pokémon GO Egg Chart 2020: 2km Eggs
- Magikarp*
- Wailmer*
- Swablu*
- Luvdisc*
- Turtwig*
- Chimchar*
- Piplup*
- Snivy
- Tepig
- Oshawott
- Patrat*
- Lillipup*
- Purrloin
- Venipede
- Dwebble
Pokémon GO Egg Chart 2020: 5km Eggs
- Ponyta*
- Farfetch'd*
- Grimer*
- Cubone*
- Kangaskhan*
- Scyther*
- Pinsir*
- Tauros*
- Eevee*
- Gligar*
- Heracross
- Corsola
- Skarmory*
- Volbeat
- Illumise
- Carvanha*
- Torkoal
- Zangoose*
- Seviper*
- Lunatone*
- Solrock*
- Lileep*
- Anorith*
- Tropius
- Clamperl*
- Relicanth
- Burmy (Plant Cloak)*
- Burmy (Sandy Cloak)*
- Burmy (Trash Cloak)*
- Pachirisu
- Buizel
- Cherubi
- Mime Jr.*
- Chatot
- Skorupi
- Croagunk
- Carnivine
- Pansage
- Pansear
- Panpour
- Roggenrola
- Tympole
- Maractus
- Trubbish
- Minccino*
- Karrablast
- Joltik
- Shelmet
- Heatmor
- Durant
Pokémon GO Egg Chart 2020: 7km Eggs
- Magby*
- Foongus
- Shuckle*
- Wurmple*
- Magikarp*
- Darumaka
- Vulpix
- Riolu
Pokémon GO Egg Chart 2020: 10km Eggs
- Mawile*
- Feebas*
- Absol*
- Shinx*
- Cranidos
- Shieldon
- Gible*
- Timburr
- Throh
- Sawk
- Sigilyph
- Tirtouga
- Archen
- Ferroseed
- Klink*
- Litwick
- Axew
- Golett
- Deino
This list will be updated in the future if things change throughout the year.