Pokémon GO Fashion Week: Dates, Research, Raids, Eggs

Pokémon GO is celebrating Fashion Week with its own in-game event as part of the Season of Light program. A pair of Pokémon will make their debuts in Pokémon GO during the event, as will several costumed variants of pre-existing Pokémon. On top of that, players will enjoy special research tasks and other in-game bonuses for the duration of the event.
Pokémon GO Fashion Week Start and End Dates
And just what is that duration? Fashion Week begins Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 10 a.m. local time, and ends Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. local time.
Pokémon GO Fashion Week New Pokémon
Two new Pokémon will debut during Fashion Week. Additionally, four Pokémon will appear in new costumes, and will be available in shiny form. Here are all the new Pokémon coming in Fashion Week:
- Mareanie
- Toxapex
- Diglett wearing a fashionable costume*
- Dugtrio wearing a fashionable costume
- Absol wearing a fashionable costume*
- Toxicroak wearing a fashionable costume
- Shiny Furfrou
*Can appear shiny
Mareanie can be evolved into Toxapex using 50 Mareanie Candy.
Time to fashion and glamor it up!
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) September 20, 2022
From September 27 through October 3, look out for Pokémon showing off some serious style for #FashionWeek in the wild, through research tasks, and via Eggs!
👉https://t.co/KAnd9Vo0my#PokemonGOFashionWeek #SeasonOfLight pic.twitter.com/zVSLk7DTew
Pokémon GO Fashion Week Timed Research
Niantic hasn't yet revealed the details of the Timed Research available during Fashion Week, but the following Pokémon will appear in reward encounters:
- Diglett wearing a fashionable costume
- Absol wearing a fashionable costume
- Croagunk wearing a fashionable costume
All three will have the chance to appear in shiny form.
Pokémon GO Fashion Week Research Task Encounters
Although the tasks themselves haven't been made available yet, Niantic says the following Pokémon will be available to encounter after completing Field Research tasks.
- Eevee*
- Murkrow*
- Skitty*
- Glameow*
- Croagunk wearing a fashionable costume*
- Blitzle wearing a fashionable costume*
- Furfrou*
- Mareanie
*Can appear shiny
Pokémon GO Fashion Week Wild Encounters
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild:
- Butterfree wearing a fashionable costume*
- Murkrow*
- Glameow*
- Croagunk wearing a fashionable costume*
- Blitzle wearing a fashionable costume*
- Gothita
- Frillish (F)
- Furfou*
- Mareanie
More rarely, players will also be to encounter:
- Diglett wearing a fashionable costume*
- Kirlia wearing a fashionable costume*
- Absol wearing a fashionable costume*
*Can appear shiny
Pokémon GO Fashion Week Eggs
The following Pokémon will hatch from 7km eggs during Fashion Week:
- Diglett wearing a fashionable costume*
- Smoochum wearing a fashionable costume*
- Shinx wearing a fashionable costume*
- Croagunk wearing a fashionable costume*
*Can appear shiny
Pokémon GO Fashion Week Raids
These Pokémon will appear raids:
One-Star Raids
- Diglett wearing a fashionable costume*
- Shinx wearing a fashionable costume*
- Croagunk wearing a fashionable costume*
- Scraggy
- Furfrou*
Three-Star Raids
- Butterfree wearing a fashionable costume*
- Kirlia wearing a fashionable costume*
- Absol wearing a fashionable costume*
- Mareanie
Five-Star Raids
- Yveltal*
Mega Raids
- Mega Lopunny*
*Can appear shiny
Pokémon GO Fashion Week Avatar Items
Finally, players will be able to purchase new avatar items. Here's how they'll look:
More info about Fashion Week should arrive in the coming days.