Pokémon GO Raid Bosses November 2022: Full List
By Jack O'Dwyer

We've compiled a full list of all the Raid bosses currently active in Pokémon GO as of November 2022.
Looking to plan your next Raid adventure in Pokémon GO? We've got you covered. Below, we've listed all the available Raid bosses in Pokémon GO for the month of November 2022.
Attention, Trainers!
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) April 13, 2022
New stickers featuring event-themed Pokémon will be available. You’ll be able to get event-themed stickers by spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts, and purchasing them from the in-game shop. These stickers will be available for the remainder of the Season! ? pic.twitter.com/1GbRmBbs9q
All Raid Bosses in Pokémon GO November 2022
So far Niantic has only revealed select raid bosses for the month. Here's what we know so far.
One-star Raid Bosses
- Duskull
Three-star Raid Bosses
- Dragonite
- Druddigon
- Sableye
Five-star Raid Bosses
Five-star bosses for the month have all been revealed. Here's how they'll shake out:
- Oct. 27-Nov. 8: Giratina (Origin Forme)
- Nov. 8-23: Guzzlord
- Nov. 23-Dec. 1: Nihilego
Giratina (Origin Forme) is Dragon- and Ghost-type Pokémon. It's vulnerable to Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost and Ice attacks, but is resistant to Bug, Electric, Fire, Grass, Poison and Water attacks, and especially resistant to Fighting and Normal attacks. Its best counters are:
- Shadow Salamence (Dragon Tail + Outrage)
- Shadow Dragonite (Dragon Tail + Outrage)
- Shadow Mewtwo (Psycho Cut + Shadow Ball)
- Shadow Weavile (Snarl + Avalanche)
Guzzlord is a Dark- and Dragon-type Pokémon. It is vulnerable to Fairy, Fighting, Bug, Ice and Dragon attacks. On the other hand it is resistant to Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Psychic, Ghost and Dark attacks. Its best counters are:
- Shadow Gardevoir (Charm + Dazzling Gleam)
- Shadow Granbull (Charm + Play Rough)
- Mega Alakazam (Counter + Dazzling Gleam)
- Togekiss (Charm + Dazzling Gleam)
Nihilego is a Rock- and Poison-type Pokémon. It's vulnerable to Steel, Water and Psychic attacks, and especially vulnerable to Ground attacks. On the other hand it is resistant to Normal, Flying, Bug, Fire and Fairy attacks, and especially resistant to Poison attacks. Its best counters are:
- Excadrill (Mud-Slap + Earthquake)
- Garchomp (Mud Shot + Earth Power)
- Shadow Golem (Mud-Slap + Earthquake)
- Landorus Theria (Mud Shot + Earthquake)
Mega Raids
- Oct. 20-Nov. 8: Mega Banette
- Nov. 8-23: Mega Gyarados
- Nov. 23-Dec. 1: Mega Houndoom
Mega Banette is a Ghost-type Pokémon, which makes it vulnerable to Ghost and Dark attacks. It's resistant to Poison and Bug attacks, and especially resistant to Normal and Fighting attacks. Its best counters are:
- Mega Gengar (Shadow Claw + Shadow Ball)
- Mega Houndoom (Snarl + Foul Play)
- Shadow Tyranitar (Bite + Crunch)
- Mega Gyarados (Bite + Crunch)
Mega Gyarados is a Water- and Flying-type Pokémon. It is resistant to Fire, Water, Fighting, Bug, and Steel attacks, and especially resistant to Ground attacks. It is vulnerable to Rock attacks, and especially vulnerable to Electric attacks. Its best counters are:
- Kartana (Razor Leaf + Leaf Blade)
- Terrakion (Double Kick + Sacred Sword)
- Shadow Raikou (Thunder Shock + Wild Charge)
- Shadow Machamp (Counter + Dynamic Punch)
Mega Houndoom is a Dark- and Fire-type Pokémon. It is resistant to Fire, Grass, Ice, Ghost, Dark and Steel attacks, and especially resistant to Psychic attacks. Is is vulnerable to Water, Fighting, Ground and Rock attacks. Its best counters are:
- Terrakion (Double Kick + Sacred Sword)
- Mega Blastoise (Water Gun + Hydro Cannon)
- Shadow Swamp (Water Gun + Hydro Cannon)
- Shadow Feraligatr (Water Gun + Hydro Cannon)
More information about Pokemon GO content to round out this month can be found on our website.