Pokemon GO Season of Heritage Introduces 'Mountains of Power' Event
By Jack O'Dwyer

Niantic Labs revealed the next chapter in the Season of Heritage within Pokemon GO: the Mountains of Power.
Continuing its return to form, Pokemon GO is tasking trainers with exploring the mountainous regions of Johto and Sinnoh. Trainers will adventure alongside Team Instinct Leader, Spark, as he attempts to solve the mysterious door's second mechanism. Spark believes Rock- and Steel-type Pokemon are needed to unlock it.
Here's everything trainers need to know before they set out on the trail.
Research: ?
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) January 6, 2022
Research Breakthrough: ???????????????
The terrain Professor Willow has been investigating has led to the discovery of powerful Pokémon residents like Onix.
Encounter Onix in January’s Research Breakthrough! pic.twitter.com/fcPJFBbVSn
Pokemon GO Season of Heritage: Mountains of Power Event Explained
The quest to climb the Mountains of Power begins tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 7, at 10 a.m. and will come to an end on Thursday, Jan. 13, at 8 p.m. local time.
Throughout the event, trainers will benefit from half the walking distance to earn hearts with their Buddy Pokemon and new rewards for completing Timed Research. Additionally, for the duration of the event, trainers will be tasked with challenges primarily focused on hatching eggs, catching Pokemon, and earning candies by walking with their buddy. Rewards include encounters with Mawile and Beldum.
Equally as exciting: shiny Slugma is making its debut alongside Mega Aerodactyl!
Pokemon GO Mountains of Power Wild Encounters
The following Pokemon will appear more frequently in the wild during the Mountains of Power event:
- (Shiny) Slugma
- (Shiny) Zubat
- (Shiny) Machop
- (Shiny) Geodude
- (Shiny) Nosepass
- (Shiny) Barboach
- (Shiny) Onix
- (Shiny) Ferroseed
Pokemon GO Mountains of Power Research Reward Encounters
These Pokemon will be available as reward encounters for completing themed research tasks:
- (Shiny) Alolan Geodude
- (Shiny) Slugma
- (Shiny) Mawile
Pokemon GO Mountains of Power New Raid Bosses
One-star Raids will feature the Pokemon below:
- (Shiny) Alolan Geodude
- (Shiny) Beldum
- (Shiny) Onix
- (Shiny) Bronzor
Three-star Raids will feature:
- Ursaring
- Donphan
- Medicham
- (Shiny) Absol
Five-star Raids will feature Heatran with a chance to appear in its shiny form.
Mega Raids will feature Mega Aerodactyl with a chance to appear with its shiny palette.
More information can be found on the official Pokemon GO news blog.