Pokemon GO Spring 2021 Collection Challenge: How to Complete
By Jack O'Dwyer

As part of the Pokemon GO Spring 2021 event, Niantic Labs has issued another Collection Challenge to trainers.
Trainers can find the challenge posted in their "Today" tab, which can be brought up by tapping the binoculars icon on the lower right of the screen. As always, trainers will need to catch or have already obtained the Pokemon listed in the challenge. This shouldn't be very difficult, however, as each Pokemon listed is currently featured as part of the event and, thus, has its spawn rate increased.
Plus, there's always Incense.
#PokemonGo did the impossible, make Buneary even cuter by adorning her with a flower crown! ?? pic.twitter.com/HPlyaDgDGH
— Nora (@ALittleOnTheSly) April 4, 2021
Pokemon GO Spring 2021 Collection Challenge
The Pokemon needed to complete the Collection Challenge are:
- Exeggcute
- Shadow Exeggcute
- Buneary
- Bunnelby
- Plusle
- Minun
- Flower Crown Pikachu
- Diggersby
- Azumarill
- Flower Crown Chansey
Exeggcute can be found commonly in the wild. Its spawn rate has been boosted due to the event.
Shadow Exeggcute can be rescued from Team GO Rocket Grunts using a primarily psychic team. They commonly use the phrase, "Are you scared of psychics with unseen power?"
Buneary can also be found in the wild with a boosted spawn rate. Additionally, players can earn encounters via research tasks.
Bunnelby is another Pokemon roaming the wilds with a boosted spawn rate. It also is featured as a one-star raid boss.
Plusle and Minun can be found in the wild during the event. They tend to be rarer, though, so heading to a place that channels a lot of electricity or using a magnetic lure on a local PokeStop will help.
Flower Crown Pikachu will spawn in the wild and is currently featured as a one-star raid boss.
Diggersby can be obtained by evolving Bunnelby using 50 candies.
Azumarill is most commonly found in three-star raids, but can also be a reward for completing research tasks.
Flower Crown Chansey is a new special model debut. It will be out and about in the wild and can also be encountered by turning in research tasks.
Trainers who complete the challenge will earn one Lucky Egg, 2500 XP, and 50 Mega Lopunny energy—yet another mega form making its first appearance in-game.