Pokemon GO Team Rocket Sierra Battle Guide: January 2022
By Jack O'Dwyer

We've compiled a full guide on Sierra's January 2022 team and how to bring her down in Pokemon GO.
#PokemonGOTour is not too far away and we’re curious: Which version are you planning to choose?
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) January 10, 2022
How to Beat Team Rocket Executive Sierra in Pokemon GO: January 2022
As usual, we've split her team into three sections to represent the three pools from which she picks her Pokemon.
First Pokemon
In January 2022, Sierra's first Pokemon will be Nidoran (F).
Nidoran (F) is a first-form, pure poison-type. As such it is strong against fighting, bug, grass, fairy, and other posion-type attacks while being weak against ground and psychic. The best counters for this Pokemon include:
- Mewtwo (Confusion/Psycho Cut + Psychic)
- Attack Form Deoxys (Zen Headbutt + Psycho Boost)
- Alakazam (Confusion + Psychic)
- Espeon (Confusion + Psychic)
- Therian Landorus (Mud Shot + Earthquake
- Excradrill (Mud-Slap + Earthquake/Drill Run)
Trainers, there’s no time to chill! #PokemonCommunityDay is rolling around the corner! Spheal will be appearing more frequently in the wild for a limited time! ❄️ pic.twitter.com/MzF5AbwFbl
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) January 9, 2022
Second Pokemon
Sierra's second Pokemon will be Vileplume, Beedrill, or Slowbro.
Vileplume is a dual grass and poison-type with a particular resistance to other grass-types. It is also strong against fighting, water, electric, and fairy-types. It is vulnerable to flying, fire, psychic, and ice-types. Its counter choices include:
- Galarian Zen Darmanitan (Ice Fang + Ice Punch/Avalanche)
- Mewtwo (Confusion/Psycho Cut + Psychic)
- Attack Form Deoxys (Zen Headbutt + Psycho Boost)
- Reshiram (Fire Fang + Overheat)
- Chandelure (Incinerate + Overheat)
- Darmanitan (Fire Fang + Overheat)
Beedrill is a bug and poison-type with specific resistance to fighting and grass-types. It's also strong against fairy, bug, and other poison-types. Its vulnerabilities are flying, rock, fire, and psychic types. Top counter choices for this Pokemon include:
- Mewtwo (Confusion/Psycho Cut + Psychic)
- Attack Form Deoxys (Zen Headbutt + Psycho Boost)
- Reshiram (Fire Fang + Overheat)
- Chandelure (Incinerate + Overheat)
- Alakazam (Confusion + Psychic)
- Darmanitan (Fire Fang + Overheat)
- Volcarona (Fire Spin + Overheat)
Slowbro is a dual water and psychic-type. It is strong against attacks from fighting, steel, fire, water, psychic, and ice-types. Its weaknesses are bug, ghost, grass, dark, and electric-types. Therefore, the best counter choices against Slowbro are:
- Chandelure (Hex + Shadow Ball)
- Gengar (Lick/Shadow Claw + Shadow Ball)
- Therian Thundurus (Thunder Shock/Volt Switch + Thunderbolt)
- Zekrom (Charge Beam + Wild Charge)
- Darkrai (Feint Attack + Dark Pulse)
- Zoroark (Snarl + Foul Play)
- Electivire (Thunder Shock + Wild Charge)
Cavern-dwelling Pokémon like Mawile, Slugma, and Mega Aerodactyl are appearing during the Mountains of Power event! ⛰️
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) January 7, 2022
Venture into the cave with Spark and the team! ?
? Read here: https://t.co/KlLGJvNQMi pic.twitter.com/kZKBfbIzaJ
Third Pokemon
The third Pokemon Sierra will pick this month could be Nidoqueen, Marowak, or Houndoom.
Nidoqueen is the final evolved from of Nidoran (F) and has both poison and ground-typing. Its resistances include fighting, rock, bug, and fairy with extra strength against poison and electric-types. It's weaknesses are ground, water, psychic, and ice-types. Therefore, its best counter choices include:
- Mewtwo (Confusion/Psycho Cut + Psychic)
- Galarian Zen Darmanitan (Ice Fang + Ice Punch/Avalanche)
- Attack Form Deoxys (Zen Headbutt + Psycho Boost)
- Alakazam (Confusion + Psychic)
- Espeon (Confusion + Psychic)
- Kingler (Bubble + Crabhammer)
Marowak is a pure ground-type with a particular resistance to electric-types. It is also strong against poison and rock-types with vulnerabilities to water, grass, and ice-types. The best counters for this Pokemon include:
- Kyogre (Waterfall + Surf/Hydro Pump)
- Roserade (Razor Leaf + Solar Beam/Grass Knot)
- Kingler (Bubble + Crabhammer)
- Galarian Zen Darmanitan (Ice Fang + Ice Punch/Avalanche)
- Mamoswine (Powder Snow + Avalanche)
- Sceptile (Bullet Seed + Frenzy Plant)
Houndoom is a dual fire and dark-type with a particular resistance to psychic-type attacks. Its other resistances include ghost, steel, fire, grass, ice, and other dark-types. However, it is vulnerable to fighting, ground, rock, and water-types. Its counter choices are:
- Lucario (Counter + Aura Sphere)
- Rampardos (Smack Down + Rock Slide)
- Kingler (Bubble + Crabhammer)
- Therian Landorus (Rock Throw/Mud Shot + Earthquake/Earth Power)
- Terrakion (Smack Down + Sacred Sword)
- Conkeldurr (Counter + Dynamic Punch)