Pokémon GO Throwback Challenge Details
By Andrew Lin

Pokémon GO Throwback Challenge celebrates Pokémon from the first four generations of the franchise.
Every week in May will feature a different generation. The first week will be Kanto, followed by Johto, Hoenn and finally Sinnoh. Completing all four special research events will let you take on a fifth research quest.
Whether your journey with Pokémon began in 1996 with Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue or in 2016 with Pokémon GO, let’s celebrate our collective Pokémon journeys together throughout the month of May! Learn more: https://t.co/dcnLLxoJos pic.twitter.com/xDLPNizRSK
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) April 28, 2020
Pokémon GO Throwback Challenge Details
They will each have a different themed special research, and have different rewards and special Pokémon encounters available.
Pokémon GO Throwback Challenge Kanto: May 1-8
Pokémon GO Throwback Challenge Johto: May 8-15
- Complete Special Research to get 10 Rare Candies and an encounter with a Ho-Oh that knows Earthquake.
- Pokémon originally discovered in Johto will appear more frequently in the wild and in Raids.
- Chinchou, Yanma, Girafarig, Pineco, Dunsparce, Gligar, Shuckle, Skarmory and Phanpy will hatch from 7km eggs.
- Pikachu wearing an Umbreon hat will appear in the wild.
- Shiny Dunsparce will be available.
- Johto-themed field research.
- Double catch and raid Stardust will be active.
Pokémon GO Throwback Challenge Hoenn: May 15-22
- Complete Special Research to get 10 Rare Candies and an encounter with a Groudon that knows Fire Punch.
- Pokémon originally discovered in Hoenn will appear more frequently in the wild and in Raids.
- Lotad, Slakoth, Nincada, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Trapinch, Feebas and Clamperl will hatch from 7km eggs.
- Pikachu wearing a Rayquaza hat will appear in the wild.
- Shiny Skitty will be available.
- Hoenn-themed field research.
- Half incubator and buddy candy distance will be active.
Pokémon GO Throwback Challenge Sinnoh: May 22-29
- Complete Special Research to get 10 Rare Candies and an encounter with a Cresselia that knows Grass Knot.
- Pokémon originally discovered in Sinnoh will appear more frequently in the wild and in Raids.
- Cranidos, Shieldon, Glameow, Chingling, Bonsly, Happiny, Gible, Munchlax, Riolu and Mantyke will hatch from 7km eggs.
- Pikachu wearing a Lucario hat will appear in the wild.
- Shiny Glameow will be available.
- Sinnoh-themed field research.
- Hour-long Star Piece, Incense and Lucky Eggs will be active.
Pokémon GO Throwback Challenge Champions
- Complete Special Research to get five Rare Candies Professor Willow's Glasses and encounters with Galarian Meowth, Galarian Stunfisk and Genesect.
- Galarian Stunfisk will appear in the wild, Raids and research encounters.
- Galarian Meowth, Galarian Zigzagoon, Galarian Darumaka and Galarian Stunfisk will hatch from 7km eggs.
- Pokémon from Unova will be more common in the wild.
All players will be able to participate in the Throwback Challenge Champions on June 3 until June 8, even if they didn't complete the previous challenges.