PUBG Console Dev Letter Reveals 5 Main Focuses

New PUBG dev letter lets the community know what they are focusing on
New PUBG dev letter lets the community know what they are focusing on / Courtesy of PUBG Corp

A PUBG Console dev letter was published Tuesday and shows a good start of open communication with their player base. This new dev letter were published by Koosung Jeong and Joon H. Choi, PUBG Corp's console producer and console lead project manger, respectively.

PUBG Console Dev Letter Takeaways

Here are some of the big takeaways.

In regards to performance, they are dedicating their focus to making sure they continue to have success in improving low average FPS and rendering issues. The main two problems they say they will tackle next are crashing and hitching and their newest update, Update 7.1, will have bug fixes for two instances of hitching.

They have minimized the PC and console content gap to a maximum of two weeks and have plans to add a dedicated Observer Mode as well as make custom matches an overall better experience, like adding Esports Mode. The devs also note that PUBG LABS will be available in 2020—no specific date was mentioned.

To balance issues, the dev team is looking at changing vehicle bullet penetration numbers around to account for the inherent difficulty difference hitting shots has between console and PC. Also, thankfully, the M249 has had a serious nerf and the recoil has been increased by 50% although it will not be going back into the care packages, but the dev team implied that they've heard the community's concern and are exploring it.

The devs acknowledged a lot of work they have done and will be doing to attack anti-cheat and DDoS defense on console. They have made a lot of headway in defending against DDoS attacks, but they recognize anti-cheat and overall defense is a constantly changing issue that they will need to stay directly on top of.

Lastly, the devs have stated they are going to pursue an "Open Dev" philosophy to try and give the community a serious look into what they're working on.