Red Dead Online Blackcurrant Location

Red Dead Online blackcurrant locations can be found across New Austin, where the plant is one of the most plentiful. Blackcurrant bushes are tall and skinny, much like their golden cousins. They tend toward brightly lit areas and grow far from water.
Blackcurrants can be used as an ingredient in Special Snake Oil, Special Miracle Tonic and Horse Meals, or sold for a quarter. Here's where to find blackcurrants in Red Dead Online.
Red Dead Online Blackcurrant Location: Where to Find Blackcurrants
Blackcurrants grow most commonly in Gaptooth Ridge and Cholla Springs in the far west of the Red Dead map. Three patches of three bushes each can typically be found just outside of Tumbleweed.
Follow the road going west through Tumblweed, then, as you you turn right at the first fork, keep an eye on the brush to your west. You should find a blackcurrant patch directly west of that first fork, then two more just north-northeast from there.
Photo courtesy of Rockstar Games