Report Feedback, Bug Fixes Arrive in Valorant Patch 3.08

Valorant Patch 3.08 brings persistent report feedback and plenty of bug fixes as it hits live servers Tuesday.
"No Agents were harmed in the making of Patch 3.08," wrote comms associate Jeff Landa in the official patch notes. "Instead, thank your local dev for those less flashy but important changes coming to Valorant today."
This patch removes ?️ that were haunting your game, you can now hide your Account Level from the ? in ranked, and we added persistent feedback on your player reports. Read Patch Notes 3.08:
— VALORANT (@PlayVALORANT) October 19, 2021
With persistent report feedback, players will now be notified whenever a report of theirs leads to action from Riot Games, whether they're online or off. Players who are online will receive their feedback immediately, while those who are offline will be greeted by feedback when next they log into the game.
Tuesday's update brings the ability to choose one's account level border from any they've unlocked, hide one's account level when not playing with friends, and equip any skin level except on variants, which will always default to the max skin level.
Several esports-friendly features have been added to the game. Coaches can now swap across players using keybinds, can see a visual picture-in-picture on the top player HUD to show who they're watching, and can see player keybindings on the minimap the same way observers can.
The rest of the patch focuses on bug fixes. See the whole patch notes below.
Valorant Patch 3.08 Notes
Social Updates
Persistent Report Feedback
- Your reports matter, and we want you to know that! You will now be notified if we took action on one of your reports, whether you are offline or not.
- If your client is up and running, you’ll receive a notification. If you’re offline at the time of action, fret not! You’ll receive your notification upon your return.
- Thanks for making VALORANT a safer place through your reports. Keep them coming!
Progression Updates
Level Border Customization
- You will be able to equip any Account Level Border that has been unlocked. A tab has been added to Playercard selection.
Hide Account Level
- It’s now possible to hide your Account Level when in a match with others who are not your friends. To enable, uncheck the box located in the Level Border tab.
Store Updates
Equippable Skin Levels
- You should be able to equip any skin level except on variants, which will always default to the max skin level.
Performance Updates
- Reduced instances where UI is invalidated
- Basically, lowered the amount of times the UI needed to update itself, thus saving performance costs.
- Optimized Viper’s Poison Cloud 1P HUD
- Optimized Viper’s Pit 1P HUD
- Optimized weapon and ability clipping plane calculations. (You got us, this actually went out with Patch 3.07.)
Esports Features
- Coaches now have the ability to swap to players with keybinds. Keybinds are 1-5 from left to right across the top HUD.
- Coaches will now see a visual Picture-in-Picture (PIP) on the top player HUD to indicate who they are spectating
- Coaches now inherit the setting to see player keybindings on the minimap, similar to Observers
- The valves on Viper's gloves now appear on the correct side of her hands in Left Hand Mode
- Weapon skins should now appear correctly in-game
- You may have occasionally seen some funkiness with Skins over the past few weeks. This was occurring, rarely, when playing on a slower connection due to an extended loading period.
- Attackers at A Lobby in Split could previously hear gunshots from the A Ramps during the buy phase—this was unintended and is now fixed
- Viper’s Ultimate will no longer spawn incorrectly when placed on top of the shipping crates on B site located on Icebox
- You may have noticed if you shot certain walls repeatedly a blinding orb would appear—this was caused by bloom stacking infinitely and should now be fixed
- Observers can now correctly see player outlines through barriers
- Fixed hitch that could occur when Barrier Orb breaks
- Fixed hitches for certain input prompts
Game System
- Fixed a bug where using Ping (Z) while defusing caused you to stop defusing