Shadowlands 9.2 DPS Rankings: Mythic+ and Raiding

Courtesy of Blizzard / Screenshot: Ryan Schork

Wondering where DPS ranks in Shadowlands 9.2 for Mythic+ and Raiding? Here's what you need to know.

With a new Mythic+ season starting March 1, 2022, and the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid opening the same day, DPS rankings are essential to understand for team composition and strategy. Take note, Blizzard has balanced DPS to its closest point thus far in Shadowlands. Therefore, the difference between the highest-ranking classes and lowest-ranking classes isn't as extreme as it has been in the past.

For raiding, many classes in the roster bring not only damage but raid-wide utility. Take note: single-target damage is the absolute priority for the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid.

Shadowlands 9.2 DPS Rankings: Mythic+ and Raiding

DPS Mythic+ S Tier

  • Warrior
  • Mage
  • Rogue

Rogue is also very strong this tier, specifically, Subtlety Rogues are incredible for both raiding and Mythic+. Furthermore, Subtlety Rogue is arguably the best DPS spec for Mythic+ currently. Rogue is also back this tier with all the utility options like Shroud of Concealment for Mythic+ skips and all the Crowd Control that makes Rogues famous.

DPS Mythic+ A Tier

  • Shadow Priest
  • Demon Hunter
  • Monk
  • Shaman

Shaman is very interesting this tier. Enhancement is the clear choice for raiding and Elemental is great for Mythic+. Furthermore, Shamans are always welcome to groups due to their Bloodlust ability. The spec that shines the most will come down to Melee vs. Ranged preference.

DPS Mythic+ B Tier

  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Warlock

Balance Druid is strong in this tier, however, Feral is still on the weaker end. While all of these classes have a certain specialization that is great for Mythic+, the other specializations bring the classes down.

DPS Mythic+ C Tier

  • Death Knight
  • Paladin

Paladin is looking to be one of the weakest DPS classes this tier. While their utility is strong and they have plenty AoE, they simply are under-tuned.

DPS Raiding S Tier

  • Warrior

Standing alone at the pinnacle of DPS is the Fury Warrior. Fury Warrior puts out incredible single-target damage, as well as utility with the Necrolord Covenant ability and Rallying Cry. For those who main Arms Warrior, while Arms is nowhere near Fury for raiding, it is incredibly strong for Mythic+.

DPS Raiding A Tier

  • Mage
  • Rogue
  • Shadow Priest
  • Demon Hunter

Next, as is tradition, Mages are at the top of the game and each spec is viable in this tier. However, it is the Fire Mage that steals the top-spec for the raid. Frost is still a great choice, with Arcane being the weakest in both game modes.

The last of the top-tier classes and specializations this patch are Shadow Priests and Demon Hunters. While each spec is strong, they are the only option for DPS, so beware of nerfs if you don't plan to play other roles.

DPS Raiding B Tier

  • Warlock
  • Shaman
  • Hunter
  • Druid (Balance)

Warlock is back this tier for both raiding and Mythic+, however, not all specs are equal. Demonology is by far the best spec for both facets, with Affliction and Destruction being some of the worst DPS specs.

Hunters are in a similar boat, with Survival being incredible in Mythic+ but sadly, the class as a whole struggles in raiding.

DPS Raiding C Tier

  • Monk
  • Death Knight
  • Paladin

Bringing up the rear are certain classes that struggle as a whole this tier. Monks, Death Knights and Paladins are on the weaker end of the spectrum for raiding. While certainly, players can be successful playing these classes, they fall short in comparison to the stronger classes.

Finally, as previously stated, thus far Patch 9.2 sees DPS classes and specializations well balanced. Therefore, playing that class that you enjoy the most will still earn you a spot on the raid team and Mythic+ groups.