Shiny Nosepass in Pokemon GO: Is it Available?

Shiny Nosepass in Pokemon GO: Is it Available?
Shiny Nosepass in Pokemon GO: Is it Available? / Photo Courtesy of Niantic

A Shiny Nosepass in Pokemon GO is a solid addition to any collection. The strange-looking Rock-type was first introduced in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire and was later given an evolution when the series moved to DS. It was added to Pokemon GO with the release of Generation 3 and has been a potential raid boss since.

Shiny Nosepass in Pokemon GO: Is it Available?

Unfortunately, Shiny Nosepass is not available as of Nov. 14, but when they are added to the game it is crucial to know all of the pertinent information about shiny Pokemon in the game. Thankfully, shiny versions of most Pokemon are fairly easy to get, compared to their counterparts in mainline games. The general odds for shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO are 1/450, contrast that with the base odds in Pokemon Sword and Shield which are 1/4096. Even when you do everything you can to increase the odds of encountering a shiny the chances are 1/455, which is still worse than in Pokemon GO!

Getting shinies in Pokemon GO isn't just for Pokemon GO players, if you’re looking to increase the odds of catching a shiny for your collection in Sword or Shield and get some exercise along the way then playing Pokemon GO is a solid strategy. When shiny Pokemon have been added to the game in the past it’s often been accompanied by special community day events where the chances of encountering that specific Pokemon are increased, and the shiny rates as well! On these days the chances of encountering shinies rises to a 1/50 chance!

In the meantime, while you’re waiting for Shiny Nosepass to be added make sure to catch as many Nosepasses as you can so that when the time comes you’ll be ready with candies to power it up. The evolution process for Nosepass is a little tricky, check out this video by Youtuber "RaZzi" for exact details on what you need to do.