Star Wars Squadrons Ship Classes: Every Ship Detailed

A primer for each of the playable Ship Classes in Star Wars Squadron.
A primer for each of the playable Ship Classes in Star Wars Squadron. / Photo by Electronic Arts

Star Wars Squadrons Ship Classes are the various starfighters you'll be battling in and against. Here's everything you need to know about each of the game's eight playable ship classes.

Star Wars Squadrons has eight playable ships across two factions. Each ship has a class counterpart on the other faction. There are differences between the New Republic and Imperial ships, as the Imperial ships typically are faster at the cost of durability.

Star Wars Squadrons Ship Classes


Starfighters are well balanced and easier to control. They can handle a variety of missions, and are used as the standard fighters in dog fights.

T-65 X-Wing

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The T-65 X-Wing first appeared in the original 1977 Star Wars film, and is tied with the Millennium Falcon as the series' most iconic ship. It's the easiest ship in the New Republic to control, and has balanced stats all around. For visibility, you'll just have trouble seeing targets below you. The ship's silhouette makes It easier to be hit from the top or bottom.


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The TIE/LN is the standard model of TIE Fighter, also introduced in the first Star Wars. It's faster than the X-Wing, but has less firepower and is more fragile. As a mass-produced ship in-lore, it doesn't have any shields. The TIE/LN is most dangerous when swarmed. You'll have good forward visibility, but you'll have trouble spotting enemies on your periphery. The TIE/LN is easer to shoot at from the sides due to the large solar panels.


Bombs have more armor and are more heavily armed, but they suffer from sluggish mobility. They're used to lay siege upon larger targets, but need faster Starfighters to defend their advance.

BTL Y-Wing

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The New Republic's Y-Wing boasts considerable firepower with its turret and bombing abilities. It also has high armor and shields, but moves slowly. It's a classic ship that also appeared in the original Star Wars with Gold Squadron. Inside the cockpit, you'll just have issues spotting enemies above, below and behind you. You'll be easier to be hit from the above and below, too.


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The TIE/SA is the Empire's bomber, better known as the TIE Bomber. Like the Y-Wing, it has high firepower and armor, but does not have any shields in proper Imperial fashion. This bomber first appeared in The Empire Strikes back. Like the normal TIE Fighter, you'll get good views directly in front of you, but all other sides will be fairly blocked.


Interceptor class ships are fast and hit hard, but their speed comes at the cost of durability. These ships are mean to "intercept" other ships, and therefore do poorly against larger vessels.

RZ-1 A-Wing

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The RZ-1 A-Wing first appeared in Return of the Jedi as the Rebel's interceptor. It's fast and has decent firepower, but its weak hull and shield makes it fairly squishy. It has a small silhouette so you can dodge fire more efficiently. It has some good visibility with only the view below you obstructed.


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The TIE/IN, better known as the the TIE Interceptor, also first appeared in Return of the Jedi. It's the fastest ship in the Empire's fleet, but still does not have any shields. The fearsome, dagger shaped silhouette helps the pilot see more on the periphery than the normal TIE. It's fragile, but its incredible speed lets it dodge fire and take out prime targets like turrets on capital ships.


Support craft may not be the most glamorous ships to fly, but they serve an important role during dogfights. They can tip the scales in your favor by supplying your ships and disrupting the enemy's. Support ships also function as troop transport, so the cockpits feature some visibility directly below your feet.

UT-60D U-Wing

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The U-Wing supports ally ships with repairs, and can disrupt the enemy by jamming their systems. This ship has high armor and shields, making it difficult to kill. The U-Wing was heavily featured in the spin-off film Rogue One, serving as the base of operations for the Rogue Squadron. It was also a favorite for Rebel guerrilla fighters. It has a large surface area, making it easier to be hit from the top or bottom.


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Like the U-Wing, the TIE Reaper appeared first in Rogue One. It's classified in-lore as an attack lander, used for carrying troops to drop mid-battle. It's the bulkiest of the Imperial ships and holds the distinction of being the only one with shields. The cockpit is slightly better than others in the TIE series, letting you see everywhere but directly below you. The Reaper supports the fleet by helping reload allies and deploying repair droids. It also looks like a giant gray pancake, so watch out for enemies above and below you.