Temtem Patch 1.0: What's New

The early access period for the new game Temtem is finally over. Starting now, Temtem is entering update 1.0, the start of the game.
Temtem follows a similar style of game to the well-known Pokemon games. Temtem follows you as the main character in a massive environment. Explore the environment and capture all of the Temtems. Battle other tamers and become the best tamer around.
Temtem Patch 1.0: What's New
A whole new island has been added: Tamer’s Paradise, the endgame island. Tamer’s Paradise holds 6 new activities, the Founders Hall and a new Shopping Center.
Take the four Archtamers on consecutively and without changing up your team in the Archtamers’ Sanctum.
Forge a four-Tem squad and constantly adapt it in the DraftArena.
Defeat as many enemies as possible while adapting to a list of requirements in the GritArena.
Face off against endless hordes of wild Temtem while having limited access to items in the TemSafari.
Explore the Evershifting Tower, a procedurally-generated, ever-changing dungeon where you’ll have to build your team from scratch.
Select one goal Temtem and adjust the settings of the two-people DigiLair, and face off the boss in Co-op with a friend!
Founders Hall is the place where we honor our Founders, Kickstarter Backers who supported Temtem back in the day. Look for your statue and your friends!
The Clubs holding Dojos that week will have their flag displayed right after you cross the marble gates.
Top 3 Tamers with the highest TMR will be celebrated with a holograph in their image.
A new currency has been implemented: Feathers.
You will be able to obtain a small amount of Feathers for most of the content in the game, and a considerable amount of Feathers from Tamer’s Paradise activities.
Feathers are the currency used in Tamer’s Paradise, that will allow you to obtain endgame items like Radars or Hotfixes.
A new Breeder route has been added to Deniz: The Sea Queen’s Aquarium.
You can find this route by walking up to the northeast of the Sillaro river.
It’s also a fishing zone where all Water Temtem coexist. Enjoy!
A new currency has been implemented: Novas.
Novas can be purchased on any platform through their payment system.
Novas will be tied to the platform they were purchased in, i.e. Switch, Xbox, Steam…
If the user has enabled cross-progression and plays across more than one platform, they’d have individual inventories of Novas for each platform, meaning they could have 500 Novas on Switch, 1000 on Xbox, etc.
On top of this, there is a shared inventory that is multi-platform. It’s mainly used for the Novas that are obtained through the free track of the Tamer Pass and the free Weekly Challenges of the Tamer Pass. Those Novas will go to this inventory and they’ll be usable on any platform.
The game will always use the platform-linked Novas first, as they are more restrictive.
The Premium Store has been implemented
Enjoy a range of rad new cosmetics purchasable with Novas or Feather.
These cosmetics will rotate daily or weekly. Items will be divided in the Featured pool, which will usually match the Season’s theme, rotate weekly, and become part of the Regular pool after a while, and the Regular pool, which changes daily and are different for each user.
Please note these cosmetics won’t be tradeable.
The Tamer Pass has been implemented
Play the game and obtain Tamer Pass experience to progress on your Tamer Pass and earn cool new cosmetics.
Choose between two tracks of rewards, the Free one or the Premium one, and advance through 60 levels of rewards. Depending on which track you’re in, you’ll be able to enjoy around 20 or 60 different rewards.
Please note these cosmetics won’t be tradeable.
You will start gaining Tamer Pass experience as soon as you commence the game, but you won’t see the notification for it until you reach Omninesia. This is so new players follow the natural order of the game and don’t get distracted by the Tamer Pass quests.
In addition, the Tamer Pass will unlock a new set of Weekly Quests, 4 free and 4 Premium, that will challenge you to explore areas of the game you might not have dwelled into that much.
A new ID has been added to all accounts: Support ID.
In order to better process and handle refunds or requests related to Novas and purchases, this private ID can be found in the Settings menu of your game. Crema employees might request you share this ID with them; don’t share it with other players.
Seasons are now in effect:
Seasons last approximately 3 months, and mark the beginning and end of the Tamer Pass and the competitive season.
The first Season, Launch Party, is now in effect. Let’s celebrate Temtem’s launch and have a lot of fun!
Twitch drops are in effect to celebrate the launching of Temtem’s 1.0 version! Head over to Twitch and watch other Tamers play to obtain some really cool, exclusive cosmetics.
A new mechanic has been added: Soulbound Temtem
Bind your Temtem to you by using a Soulbinder and gain the possibility of using Hotfixes on it even if you’re not the Original Tamer for it.
The OT won’t change, but you will be able to Hotfix it normally.
A new item has been added: Telomere Bugs
Subtracts 1 SV of an specific stat to a Soulbound Temtem or OT Temtem.
A new item has been added: Learning Aid+
New and improved Learning Aid, which lasts for 1h and gives three times the experience.
A new item has been added: Growth Enhancer +
New and improved Growth Enhancer, it will raise your Temtem’s level by 10.
A new item has been added: Essences
Adds or substracts 100 TVs of an specific stat to a Temtem.
A new item has been added: Random Boxes
Open these boxes, obtainable using Feathers, for a chance to obtain Radars, Telomere Hacks or Hotfixes.
New ways to customize your character have been added to the game:
Choose your Loading Screen, or a Tamer Banner to display your name in style; use Sprays to convey what you’re feeling to the world; select from a wide range of cool Battle Intro and Outro Animations, and even pick your Battle Outro Music!
Equip your Tems with Temcard Seals that will pop out as they land into the battle zone.
Introducing Co-op Emotes
Forget about emoting alone. The new Co-op emotes will show you where to place your character for a very cool, synced cooperative emote. Have fun with your fave Tamers!
We’ve added some new type of dyes.
These dyes have special effects, like Luma-like qualities, emissive colors or even color-changing and rainbow effects.