The Fastest Way to Catch Up on Renown WoW: Shadowlands
By Jack O'Dwyer

Here's the fastest way to catch up on Renown in WoW: Shadowlands for all your Covenant-leveling needs.
Whether players are looking to maximize their subscription time, level an alt, or just launch themselves over progression roadblocks, there are plenty of reasons why players would be looking to speed through the grind. Fortunately, we have you covered.
You'll find everything there is to know about getting Renown as fast as possible below.
UPDATE: Arathi Blizzard will be replacing this week's PvP Brawl. Expect Southshore vs. Tarren Mill at a later date.
— World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) March 16, 2021
How to Catch up on Renown in WoW: Shadowlands
As players no doubt know by now, Renown is one of the unique systems used to earn rewards, Covenant Soulbinds, story chapters, and content in Shadowlands.
Some players may have the fortune to have their newly-pinged max level alts automatically brought up to max Renown. For those who don't, however, they'll need to earn it.
There's a bit of discourse concerning exactly how to go about catching up on Renown. Regardless of method, however, most agree that the key to start catching up is to get the very first Soulbind and complete the first chapter of their chosen Covenant. Once you see "The Highlord Calls," you're good to go.
Obviously, we recommend completing all nine chapters of the Covenant Campaign, as each one awards guaranteed Renown. You'll welcome to try any of these suggested methods below in between chapters or when you're burnt out.
Of all methods to earn Renown, defeating World Bosses is the most commonly verified. Unfortunately, this is a weekly event, and will only result in two points.
Queueing for random dungeons and LFR raids is another popular way to earn Renown. You should be receiving Oribos quests with specific content to run for extra points. Additionally, you can run through Mythic and Mythic+ content with some success. Raid bosses in Castle Nathria may drop points, too.
PvP is popular, as well, as players are rewarded for winning and completing battleground objectives.
You should also be keeping an eye out for quests from Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, your weekly Covenant Renown Quests ("Return Lost Souls," etc.), and spend some time trying Covenant Callings. Not all Callings will reward Renown, however, so it can be a bit of a gamble.