Top 5 Tips Heading into Mass Effect 2
By Jack O'Dwyer

Mass Effect Legendary Edition contains all three main series Mass Effect Games—and their DLC—under one heading, making progression simple.
Well, simple-r. There are still quite a few aspects players should pay attention two as they make the jump from Mass Effect to its sequel, Mass Effect 2. Some may be a bit abstract, but each is equally important to not only import a good save but make sure players can experience the content and ending they want.
Here are our top five tips heading into Mass Effect 2.
*narrator voice* little did they know, these tanks would one day be the site of the largest mass casualty incident in the galaxy #MassEffect
— Chachisse, Comtesse de Val Royeaux (@ChachiBobinks) May 22, 2021
Top 5 Tips Heading into Mass Effect 2
1. Prepare for (a lot of) Change
BioWare made some significant changes to the typical functions of the game between Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. Of these, the combat is the most noticeable, requiring players to find and pickup ammunition known as “thermal clips” as well as manually reload their weapons.
Weapons and Armor now bear a different system, as well, with players needing to manually purchase upgrades and research advancements using collected minerals.
Additionally, Shepard will now need to manually scan, search for hits, and launch probes to planets in order to collect the minerals needed for quite a bit of this. Thanks, BioWare.
2. Take Care of Business in ME1
There are quite a few things that carry over into ME2. For example, Shepard completing UNC: Asari Writings and how they treated Conrad Verner will carry over into both ME2 and ME3. Make sure all the necessary side assignments and Citadel interactions are resolved.
Players might also want to sell out the junk from their inventory, as well. Upon returning to the Normandy, the Citadel will reopen Shepard’s assets—meaning they’ll get access to all the money they had in ME1. If they managed their account well the amount will certainly be nothing to sneeze at.
3. Pay Attention to Your Squadmates
While Shepard may not be comfortable with their new Cerberus Normandy crew, this doesn’t mean they should avoid them altogether. Several of the minor characters will have fetch quests that can be completed for some extra experience, morality points, and exclusive cutscenes. Additionally, Shepard’s available squadmates have their own unique stories to tell, which could lead to some important personal missions later on.
Starting the day with a little Mass Effect 2. #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #PS4share
— Gamin'Granny (@GrannyGamin) May 22, 2021
4. Complete Loyalty Missions Immediately
Over the course of Mass Effect 2, as Shepard gets closer to their new Cerberus crew mates, some of them may ask for special assistance requiring a personal matter. These are known as “loyalty missions” and play a significant part in whether or not that specific character survives the ending of the game. Completing them as soon as possible is the smartest decision as the game only allows Shepard to complete a few things between uncovering the endgame and starting it without repercussions. Don’t waste time.
5. Time/Assignment Management
As Shepard advances through the game, the Collectors will be going about their work, as well. This puts a bit of time constraints and tension on certain parts of ME2. For example, when the endgame location is uncovered, doing over a mission or two before heading out will result in dire repercussions for a big part of Shepard’s crew. We recommend staggering main story missions with side assignments to complete the most content without sacrificing your friends.