Tribes of Midgard Elemental Weakness Explained

Elemental weakness in Tribes of Midgard is an essential mechanic to learn
Elemental weakness in Tribes of Midgard is an essential mechanic to learn / Norsfell Games and Gearbox

Tribes of Midgard elemental weakness mechanic is essential to know to get you through the game, fighting a multitude of mobs who respond differently to different elements.

Tribes of Midgard Elemental Weakness Explained

Just about every enemy in Tribes of Midgard responds to their opposite element by taking more damage from that source. A boss like Fenrir however, does not have a defined weakness.

Generally, the element a mob is weak to is pretty evident in that mob's design. For example, a mob like Brennalfar Warriors and Archers reside in the Smoky Highlands using fire, meaning they are weak to cold weapons.

Here's a proper breakdown of each mob and their weakness:

  • Unsunken Mobs - weak to electric and lightning
  • Dokkalfar Mobs - weak to electric and lightning
  • Blue Goblins - weak against void
  • White Goblins - weak to cold
  • Blue Troll - weak against void
  • White Troll - weak against cold
  • Linnorm - weak against void
  • Brennalfar Mobs - weak to cold
  • Unfrozen Mobs - weak to fire
  • Helthings - weak to electric and lightning