Valheim Devs Announce Hearth and Home, Roadmap Changes
By Jack O'Dwyer

Valheim developers have revealed content updates regarding the Hearth and Home DLC, as well as a few changes to their game roadmap.
The announcement took the form of a detailed Steam news post on the Valheim listing page published early on Thursday, June 10. In it, the team confirmed several rumors concerning the release of Hearth and Home, the content within it, and where the game will go from here. As always, they started by thanking the over five million Valheim custodians who have joined their rapidly growing game since its initial launch in February.
"We launched into Early Access because we want to build the game with you, but never in our wildest dreams could we have imagined how many of you want to join us on this journey!" They wrote.
Valheim Devs Announce Hearth and Home, Roadmap Changes
Valheim devs confirmed, "as [they]'re sure lots of you suspected," that Hearth and Home will not be launching this year. The DLC is now slated for a Q3 release which will be reflected in a new soon-to-be-published roadmap. In the meantime, the old roadmap graphic has been removed. The team apologized for the long wait.
According to them, the reason behind the extended wait is the sheer volume of new players and support the game has received. It "highlighted a thousand new problems and bugs" that they hadn't expected and wanted to fix. Until the base game was stable, the devs simply didn't feel comfortable shifting their resources to projects with such magnitude.
"Our priority has been to make the current experience as stable as possible and this has meant new content has taken a backseat," they explained, "We don’t want to launch an update that we’re not confident in, and that isn’t deserving of your time."
So, for the time being, the team has decided to shrink the roadmap down and focus on just Hearth and Home and Mistlands. Other, smaller updates are currently on the back burner. The devs did mention that the map, itself, and the content following are likely to be very fluid. They often find themselves "inspired by a meeting or an awesome comment from the community."
Truthfully, it seems as thought anything players can imagine could be on the table for the next update. For now, however, developers seemed content to close with a few teaser images of new DLC content including an expanded farming system, cooking system, food items, roofing details, and much more.
The development team will be hosting a live AMA session on the official Valheim subreddit board this Friday, June 11, at 8 a.m. ET. Fans are encouraged to attend and pose their important questions there.