Valheim Dragon Tear: What Can You Do With the Item?

Valheim's Dragon Tears are a rare item players can earn, but what do they build?
Valheim is a survival and sandbox game developed by Iron Gate, and one of its many bosses is a dragon called Moder who will drop dragon tears upon being defeated.
Valheim Dragon Tear: What Can You Do With the Item?
Let's start off the week with some patchnotes! ?
— Valheim (@Valheimgame) April 19, 2021
After defeating Moder, you will earn ten dragon tears in your inventory. This seems to be the case regardless of whether you defeated her solo or with a group of friends, according to online users. Hovering around the item, you will find a brief description that says the following: "The last frozen tears of a dragon, pulsating with mysterious energy."
There seems to be veracity to the statement of these being the last frozen tears of a dragon, or to be more exact it is implied that Moder is the last dragon. Upon dying, the game screen will show the words, "Black wings across the moon and sun, down from the mountain our mother comes. Her weeping tears will fall like rain, her voice will call us home again." This is something that some Valheim players have theorized to be a reference to Moder being the last dragon of her kind. On top of that, her death will bring to a stop the Drakes raiding the player's base.
So, to summarize, these are the last tears of dragon-kind. On the bright side, you as a player can use them to create an Artisan Table that will unlock higher-grade equipment that you can now craft.