Valorant Ep. 2 FORMATION Player Card: How to Claim
By Samuel Purdy

Valorant Ep. 2 FORMATION Player Card is available, as a part of the development team's efforts to celebrate the game's first anniversary since its launch.
In addition to plenty of other cosmetics available, and a special event pass coming soon, this player card features everybody's favorite interdimensional assassin Yoru, alongside other familiar faces. For those looking to snag the Episode 2 memento, here's how you can claim it for yourself.
Don't miss the Year 1 Episode 2 Player Card!
— VALORANT (@PlayVALORANT) June 14, 2021
Collect the exclusive Formation Player Card by linking your VALORANT and Amazon Prime accounts:
Valorant Ep. 2 FORMATION Player Card: How to Claim
In order for players to be able to claim the FORMATION player card, they'll have to have both a Riot Games account and Prime Gaming account via Amazon Prime. For players who have claimed other Valorant goodies before, this should be straightforward, but just in case this is your first time, here's how you can link your two accounts.
- First, head to Twitch and log in to your Twitch account.
- From there, open another tab, and sign into your Riot Games account.
- Next, switch back to the tab with Twitch open, click on your profile in top right corner.
- Go to Settings, and then select Connections.
- Scroll down to Riot Games and select Connect
- Finally, click Authorize.
- Congrats, you've just linked your Riot Games and Prime Gaming accounts.
Once that is complete, players will then have to head over to the Valorant section of the Prime Gaming page. There, they should be able to see the FORMATION player card waiting there for them. Just hit Claim Now, and if all goes right, you should be able to access the card the next time you open up Valorant. It'll be located in the Collection section along with your other player cards and titles. So, for future months after Episode 2 ends, you'll be able to show your friends and enemies that you were there back in the day.