Valorant Maps: Every Map Available in the Closed Beta

Gameplay preview of one of Valorant's new three maps.
Gameplay preview of one of Valorant's new three maps. / Courtesy of Riot Games

Valorant maps are an important part of the closed beta that went live Tuesday.. There are three maps available in Valorant so far all made for the classic Search and Destroy game mode. Riot Games plans to have four maps on release as well as the possibility of more game modes, but wants to make sure they have made their core game mode and first three maps as good as they can be. In the early stages of community play-testing, Riot wants to focus attention on listening to new players' thoughts rather than spreading themselves too thin.

Here's everything you need to know about the available maps so far.

Valorant Maps: Every Map Available in the Closed Beta

The three available maps so far are Split, Haven, and Bind. The map overlay in game has location calllouts shown making it much easier for new players to quickly integrate themselves. And, even if you die every round when you first start playing, you'll at least be able to tell your teammates where the enemies are. Hopefully.

Split, seen below, seems to be the most "typical" Search and Destroy map Valorant has so far. One thing to have in mind, however, is with both sites located very far away from one another and the large space the attack has to work with, you'll have to be working as a team on defense to make sure you find out where the attack is coming from in order to react quickly.

Haven seems to be throwing a curveball with three different sites: A, B, and C, leaving a lot of freedom for the attack. I am very excited to see the creative and clever attacks that come from having easy rotation options. It is going to be immensely important the defense cuts the map in half as soon as possible and take away at least one site as an option to make the attack's play more predictable.

Haven map from Valorant's Closed Beta
Haven map from Valorant's Closed Beta / Courtesy of @Snipy14709194 on Twitter

Bind, the third and final map available in Valorant's closed beta, adds another twist to the Search and Destroy genre. It has the normal two site setup (A & B), but has a teleporter that allows you to travel from A site to B site quickly. It seems like it will be difficult to get to the teleporter on attack without having to fight the defense, but it is a significant advantage to have the faster rotation on attack, seeing that the defenders will have to travel all the way through their spawn if they don't want to take the teleporter and alert everyone to their location (the teleporter is very loud!)

Bind map in Valorant's Closed Beta
Bind map in Valorant's Closed Beta / Courtesy of @Snipy14709194 on Twitter

The diversity shown in these first three map releases for Valorant is exciting and looks like it will be evolving into a game that rewards creativity and teamwork rather than raw aiming ability.