Valorant Patch 2.02 Agent Tier List

Valorant Patch 2.02 Agent Tier List
Valorant Patch 2.02 Agent Tier List / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

The Valorant Patch 2.02 agent tier list is essential to know for players looking to climb the ladder. Patch 2.02 was not a terribly impactful change in terms of the meta, but the consistent evolution of the pro scene has driven some picks up in popularity and others down.

Valorant Patch 2.02 Agent Tier List

The Valorant patch 2.02 agent tier list is as follows:

S Tier - Always Pick: Jett, Sage, Sova, Raze

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Jett and Raze are the picks to watch out for here. Both of them complement almost any playstyle well. Jett can play Op, she can smoke and go in, or she can wipe an entire team with her ultimate. The same goes for Raze, except for the smokes.

A Tier - Well Rounded Agents: Killjoy, Cypher, Omen, Brimstone, Reyna

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There are quite a few agents centered around defense at this tier, and in solo queue having defensive agents is often quite strong. Defensive agents excel at holding down the fort on a site until the rest of one’s team can rotate over. In solo queue, it is highly dangerous to try and hold down a site alone, because if that defender gets killed then the rest of the team is at a massive disadvantage. Defenders like Killjoy and Cypher are good at holding it down until help arrives.

B Tier - Less Than Optimal: Breach, Brimstone, Phoenix, Yoru

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It is sad to see Yoru so low on the tier list after his release, but it is an unfortunate state of the meta that puts him so low. He functions well while playing a hyper-aggressive playstyle, and the tools available to defend against that playstyle are too strong for Yoru to beat currently. Additionally, the current strategy of giving up a site temporarily just to retake it later puts Yoru at a severe disadvantage, because his defensive capabilities are lacking as well.

C Tier - Bad Picks: Skye, Viper

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

Viper has long been waiting for promised buffs, but with every patch it seems that changes get put off yet again. Hopefully, the next patch will bring some good news for Viper.