Warzone Pacific Players Suffer Major Issues on PlayStation

It seems PlayStation players have been having performance issues with Warzone Pacific which, in some cases, have made the game unplayable on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.
Warzone Pacific is finally among us, as is its integration with Call of Duty: Vanguard. While many fans have been getting stuck into all of the new content and changes, some players have been feeling a bit left behind. Fans attemping to access Warzone Pacific via a PS4 or PS5 have been met with a variety of issues which, at the time of writing, have yet to be addressed by Raven Software.
Game is ? on PS5 pic.twitter.com/bxd15nLDqo
— DEFSOUL (@cyberdefsoul) December 8, 2021
Some players reported problems straight from the get-go, experiencing game crashes just minutes after the servers went live. Others have pointed out certain graphical and performance errors, such as textures not loading where they should, leaving players struggling to get their bearings.
One user, @Mr_strangecod on Twitter, took to the platform to say that the game is unplayable on PS5. Texture issues had gotten so bad that it caused their game to crash, with the only option left being to switch the console off at the plug.
Warzone is unplayable on ps5 texture aren’t loading and the game crashes shortly after causing me to pull out the cable from the wall pic.twitter.com/5yrp9S5x8F
— Mr.strange (@Mr_strangecod) December 8, 2021
With such widely reported issues, effecting both old and current gen versions of consoles, Raven Software seem to have quite the problem on their hands.
Two days before Warzone Pacific's launch, many of the battle royale's quality assurance team walked-out in protest of the recent surprise layoffs at Activision. 12 of Raven Software's Quality Assurance testers, roughly 30% of the team, were informed that their employment would be terminated on Jan. 28. While it's unconfirmed if the strikes effected the roll-out of Warzone Pacific, it's likely to have had some impact on the game.
Going forward, though, there is currently no timeframe for when PlayStation fans can expect a fix. At the risk of falling behind the rest of the playerbase, it might be best to steer clear until all has been resolved.