Warzone Player Clutches 1v1 Victory Against a Juggernaut

How do you decide what to do when you're one of the last three players alive in the round?
How do you decide what to do when you're one of the last three players alive in the round? / Photo Courtesty of Activision

How do you decide what to do when you're one of the last three players alive in the round? That's what the player in this clip was tasked with. They arrive at an old truck stop behind a hill as the circle encloses once again. Thinking they're the first to arrive, they decide to try and hide in the bus.

That was the mistake that sent this player's round into chaos. Bullets start to fly at them as they drive back into the gas. Time for a change of plans. Throwing the bus into gear, the player drives back into the circle, and finds an enemy behind a crashed semi. Jumping off the bus, our player throws two grenades to stun and slow the enemy. Using the time they just bought, they flank around the semi and light up the first enemy. They go down, but the third player has entered the ring, already trying to end the round. Our player ducks behind a barricade to regroup, armor up, and clean up the first kill. Now it's time for the final 1v1 to end the round.

It's a juggernaut, about to be forced down the hillside by the enclosing gas. The AR our player is equipped with won't do much good against an enemy with so much armor. Our player decides to force the juggernaut's hand before the game does, and calls an airstrike at the top of the hill. No hits landed, but the juggernaut is forced from the high-ground. Our player burns a second airstrike trying to read the movement of the enemy juggernaut.

While those strikes come down, our player ducks behind cover once more to reach a Buy Station. Purchasing a third airstrike, our player is out of time. After landing a few rounds of their AR, our player rotates just outside of the station. Knowing the juggernaut can't keep pace with them, our player turns and fires their third airstrike on where the Juggernaut has to come from in order to get the kill. The juggernaut turns the corner and lands enough shots to down our player. However, our player has a self revive. As our player stands back up and does their best to conceal themselves, the airstrike arrives. The juggernaut falls, and our player emerges victorious.