Warzone Rytec AMR Sniper Bug Fixes Coming Soon

The Warzone Season 4 Reloaded update that went live on June 30 brought many changes to the COD battle royale.
The Warzone Season 4 Reloaded update that went live on June 30 brought many changes to the COD battle royale. / Photo by Activision/Infinity Ward

The Warzone Season 4 Reloaded update that went live on June 30 brought many changes to the Call of Duty battle royale. One of these changes was a new sniper rifle called the Rytec AMR.

Since its addition to COD: Warzone, the Rytec has become one of the most popular snipers in the game. It obviously deals massive damage to opponents, but as an anti-material weapon, it can take down vehicles and kill-streaks easily as well.

In order to unlock the Rytec, players must get three quick scope kills in 15 separate matches. This is one of the tougher challenges that rewards players with a weapon, so everyone should be patient and understand that completing the challenge will take time.

While the Rytec is an almost unplayable gun, in theory, two bugs have had a serious impact on its effectiveness so far. Players should not worry though, as devs at Infinity Ward have acknowledged the bugs and are working to fix them.

Warzone Rytec AMR Sniper Bug Fixes Coming Soon

The first bug doesn't affect the Rytec in Moarmordern Warfare, as armor is not an issue there. Currently, the Rytec can't knock opponents in Warzone, even with a headshot. It simply cracks the opponent's armor

The second bug doesn't affect all players using the Rytec, only those who are trying out the new explosive rounds that make the gun even more dangerous. Players using the ammo have not been gaining experience for snagging kills.

Both of these issues are obviously concerning for Warzone fans, and many alerted devs about the bugs on Twitter. The Co-Design Director of Multiplayer at Infinity Ward, Joe Cecot, responded that devs are aware of these issues and are currently working to fix them.

While it's comforting to know that the bugs are being dealt with, Cecot did not provide any timetable for when they will be out of the game. For now, players should probably steer clear of the Rytec and focus on completing other challenges.