Warzone Shotguns Tier List Season 2

Shotguns no longer seem to be the Meta in Call of Duty: Warzone, however, they are still very useful to the right players. There are plenty of options, both good and bad, to run with as a primary close-range weapon in Warzone.
While there hasn't been a new shotgun arrival in Season 2, you never know when one may be dropped by Activision, meaning this list can change. For now though, here is our tier list for the best shotguns in Warzone as of Season 2.
F Tier- The Worst
1. Hauer 77
The least useable shotgun in Warzone, even with the best possible attachments, has to be the Hauer 77. We wish you the best of luck if you escape from enemies into a building and the best gun you find is this pump shotgun. With a very wide spread-shot, this gun will take more than one shot to kill an enemy, and it'll be tough to nab a headshot even up close.
D Tier
1. 725 Slug
This shotgun is fun to kill enemies with, that is the truth. But that doesn't mean it's a viable shotgun, because if you miss that headshot, it will be near impossible to survive. With some of the slowest fire-rates in the class, the 725 only has two shotgun shells per round. The slug has range but the downfalls far outweigh the pros of this shotgun.
2. Model 680
Similar to the Hauer 77, the Model 680 is also very poor in open combat. The one pro you can find when wielding this gun, however, is if you manage to find a spot with cover. That way, you can maximize the effectiveness of each shot despite the slow fire rate, and not worry about being out in the open. Otherwise, this is also a gun to avoid in Warzone.
C Tier
1. R9-0
Since the R9-0 was nerfed earlier in 2021, it's popularity has dwindled. Unless you have Dragon's Breathe rounds, which were also nerfed to more than two-shell downs, then this shotgun isn't as effective anymore. The two-round burst is slower and less efficient than the shotguns ranked above it on this list.
2. VLK Rogue
Another popular shotgun that suffered a nerfing, the VLK is far less effective now than it used to be. The power retained itself after the nerf, but similarly to the 725 Slug shotgun if you miss just one shot you are at a disadvantage because the slug rounds for this pump-action shotgun are just too slow compared to other options.
B Tier
1. Origin 12
The Origin survived a nerf and is still a top shotgun for players of any experience to use in Warzone. For new players, it's easy to pick up and learn, and in close-range gunfights, it can level an opponent with decent semi-automatic fire. Whether aiming down the sights or hip-firing, the Origin has been a reasonable option for shotguns since Warzone's debut.
2. Streetsweeper
Introduced with Cold War into Warzone, the Streetsweeper shotgun pays homage to Al Capone and street gangs of the Prohibition Era in the USA. With a fast fire rate and the option for a drum magazine for more shells, the shotgun is a very fun weapon to use. Unfortunately, with almost all the Cold War weapons added to Warzone, many of the attachments aren't very good, which holds the Streetsweeper from our top spot.
3. Gallo SA12
Another great but not amazing option in the shotgun class, the Gallo SA12 annihilates enemies close to or more than a few meters away and has great fire rate and power. It's time to kill is arguably the best in class, however, it burns through its 12 shells per magazine quickly. With a larger magazine, this shotgun may be the best in Verdansk.
A Tier
With some of the best range in class, better reload time, and great firepower, the Jak-12 is the best shotgun in Warzone. Until Cold War weapons receive a buff with attachments, this shotgun is superior to the Gallo in almost every area.