When Does Departures Leave MW3 Ranked Play? Answered

Departures leaves MW3 Ranked Play sooner than players might think (or want).
Now that Call of Duty League Major 2 is over, the 12 professional CDL teams are taking a look at the current competitive map rotation. Similar to the testing and voting process we saw with Rio before Stage 2 began, the players will once again see if the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer map is a good fit for the competitive scene. In a twist, though, Treyarch Studios is allowing the entire community to test out the map in Ranked Play for a limited-time before it disappears from MW3.
Here's exactly when Departures leaves MW3 Ranked Play.
#MW3RankedPlay Map Evaluation 📝
— Treyarch Studios (@Treyarch) March 22, 2024
Treyarch and @CODLeague have seen interest in expanding the competitive map pool, and we're excited to share that we'll be testing Vista and Departures in Ranked Play after Major II concludes this weekend.
Details 👇 pic.twitter.com/dWbRcn3Vhg
When Does Departures Leave MW3 Ranked Play? Answered
Departures leaves MW3 Ranked Play on Friday, Mar. 29, 2024. Treyarch Studios is giving the Call of Duty community five days to try out Departures (and Vista) in all modes, including Hardpoint, Search & Destroy, and Control.
Treyarch Studios encouraged players to "share clips and feedback" on X as the developers and professional players work to make an informed decision about Departures' possible addition to the competitive playlist.
Depending on how the trial period goes, the map might return to MW3 Ranked Play if the CDL teams vote to add it to the competitive map pool. Make sure to follow @Treyarch on X to get real-time updates on the Ranked Play map rotation moving forward.
Is Sub Base Leaving MW3 Ranked Play? Answered
Yes, Sub Base is likely leaving MW3 Ranked Play if Departures and Vista get added to the map rotation. Sub Base is one of the most unpopular maps in the CDL, and only select teams opt to play it on a consistent basis, like Major 1 champions, Toronto Ultra.
Of course, if only one Hardpoint map is leaving the rotation, then it will come down to a majority vote from the players on whether to remove Sub Base or Invasion.
Stay tuned for more updates on the MW3 competitive map rotation as the week unfolds.