Winston Roadhog Buffs Enter Overwatch PTR Patch 1.41

Winston and Roadhog buffs went live in Tuesday's Overwatch PTR Patch 1.41 among a slew of hero updates.
Winston's buff increases the uptime and health of his barrier, potentially allowing him relevance in a meta that has largely made him obsolete. Blizzard also increased Roadhog's ammo capacity from five to six, increasing the offtank's effective damage output.
Overwatch PTR Patch 1.41 included several other hero changes and bug fixes. Check them out below.
Overwatch PTR Patch 1.41 Hero Changes
Defense Matrix
- Regeneration rate increased from 12.5% to 16% per second
- Delay before regeneration begins lowered from 1 second to 0.75 seconds
Scrap Gun
- Ammunition increased from five to six
Barrier Projector
- Duration increased from six to nine seconds
- Health increased from 600 to 700
Immortality Field
- Health decreased from 250 to 200
- Speed boost's effect increased from 20% to 25%
Amp It Up
- Speed boost's amplification increased from 50% to 60%
Wall Ride
- Speed buff reduced from 40% to 30%
- The extra beams created by Valkyrie now ignore enemy barriers
Biotic Grasp
- Self-healing reduced from 30 to 20 health per second
- Cooldown increased from four to six seconds
- Cooldown now begins immediately upon deploying the beacon or if it is killed by an enemy
Pulse Pistols
- Damage falloff now starts at 13 meters, up from 10 meters
Overwatch PTR Patch 1.41 Bug fixes
- Fixed a player profile problem preventing hero win percentages from being displayed for competitive arcade mode seasons
- Fixed a bug with Brigitte’s Rally checking line of sight from her feet instead of from her head
- Fixed a bug with Inspire’s position being affected by the player’s aim pitch
- Fixed a bug that allowed Doomfist to use Meteor Strike before taking impact damage from Sigma’s Gravitic Flux
- Fixed a bug that allowed Sigma’s Gravitic Flux to ignore line of sight through some ceilings
- Fixed a bug with EMP’s position being affected by player’s aim pitch
- Fixed a bug that caused Winston’s Barrier Projector to not consistently play its destroyed visual effects
Additionally, Blizzard nerfed major components of the currently-dominant Barrier Meta. View those changes here, and check out the full patch notes on the official Overwatch forums.
Photo courtesy of Blizzard