Wizards Unite Global Challenge: Dragons to Invade Game

The Wizards Unite Global Challenge is set to coincide with the game's first ever Fan Festival in Indianapolis. Players unable to attend the festival will have the chance to collect Dragon Eggs in service of a larger goal. Here's what you need to know.
Can’t make it to Indianapolis to the first Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Fan Festival? Don’t worry, you’ve still got an action-packed weekend in store! Learn more here: https://t.co/KlfEgMrSqW #WizardsUnite pic.twitter.com/Wnw2s9eQmj
— Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (@HPWizardsUnite) August 27, 2019
Wizards Unite Global Challenge: What You Need to Know
The Harry Potter Wizards Unite Fan Festival is scheduled to run Aug. 31 to Sept. 1 in Indianapolis. Attending players will be able to find the first dragons ever to appear in Wizards Unite.
During the event, players who can't attend will be able to find four new kinds of Portkey Portmanteaus. Each Portmanteau will contain a Portkey that allows the player to access the Forbidden Forest and collect one of four types of dragon eggs.
The four Portkey Portmanteaus are red for the Chinese Fireball dragon, iridescent for the Antipodean Opaleye dragon, blue for the Peruvian Vipertooth dragon, and green for the Common Welsh Green dragon.
If fans globally are able to collect 1 million of each egg type, they'll unlock bonuses for all players. Here are the bonuses for meeting each goal:
- 1 million Chinese Fireball eggs: 25% Wizarding experience bonus
- 1 million Antipodean Opaleye eggs: Halved Portmanteau walk distance
- 1 million Peruvian Vipertooth eggs: Halved potion brewing time
- 1 million Common Welsh Green eggs: Double Dark Detector duration.
These bonuses will last from Sept. 2 at 1 p.m. ET to Sept. 9 at 1 p.m. ET.
Starting Sept. 7, the dragons themselves will begin appearing in the world according to region. Europe and Africa will start to see the Common Welsh Green, Oceania the Antipodean Opaleye, the Americas and Greenland the Peruvian Vipertooth, and Asia, the Middle East and India the Chinese Fireball.
If players at the Fan Festival complete their assigned special tasks, each region will also see one other type of dragon for three hours Sept 7. The bonus dragon type will be determined by whichever egg type that region collected the most of during the Global Fan Challenge.
Photo courtesy of Niantic