5 Best ADCs in League of Legends Patch 11.2

5 Best ADCs in League of Legends Patch 11.2
5 Best ADCs in League of Legends Patch 11.2 / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

The five best ADCs in League of Legends Patch 11.2 are essential to know in order to climb the ladder, carry games, or just have fun. League of Legends is in a fascinating place for Patch 11.2, the meta is settling a bit, but there is still a great deal of uncertainty.

So many new items were added for the preseason and there are still combinations, items, and champions who have yet to be truly tested yet. However, the ADC role is fairly solid in comparison to other positions.

5 Best ADCs in League of Legends Patch 11.2

The five best ADCs in League of Legends Patch 11.2 are as follows:

1. Samira

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Samira is the queen right now, in solo queue she is tough to beat at any level. Oppressive in lane and a strong team fighter, Samira has few weaknesses. The fact that she is also easy to pick up and master makes her an essential pick for anyone looking to main ADC.

2. Senna

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The queen of utility is Senna, the only other ADCs who can rival her ability to help a team are not strong in the current meta. Ashe just doesn’t compare to Senna. Sure, Senna’s ult is not the greatest, but pair her with a strong laning support like Thresh and she can sustain and scale better than almost anyone else.

3. Kai'sa

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High damage is the name of the game with Kai’sa. Picking Kai’sa is almost like having a second mid laner. Additionally, she is more mobile than almost any other ADC, making her a safe pick in most lane matchups.

4. Xayah

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Xayah is back, and when Xayah is back, players can be sure that the meta is aggressive. Her damage output with the new items makes her a formidable force.

5. Jhin

Jhin is evergreen, his kit makes it so he can always do well at every stage of the game. Admittedly, positioning is the most important part of playing Jhin, so for players who love mobility and dashing around, Jhin may not be the pick for them.