5 Best Agents to Pair With Yoru in Valorant

5 Best Agents to Pair With Yoru in Valorant
5 Best Agents to Pair With Yoru in Valorant / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

The five best agents to pair with Yoru in Valorant are going to be essential to know for his release. Yoru will be coming to Valorant soon, and it’s reasonable to expect that he will show up in every game after his release for some time.

Yoru also looks to be an exciting new addition to the agent roster, and synergizing with him will be important to ensure success going into the next season.

5 Best Agents to Pair With Yoru in Valorant

1. Omen

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

Two teleporting agents can make a deadly combo, provided they both teleport to an area that isn’t being watched by enemies. Omen is likely the best pairing for Yoru, he provides everything that Yoru wants to succeed. First, Yoru wants smokes to cover his teleport, Omen provides that better than any other agent. Second, Yoru wants someone to go in with him at different angles, Omen’s vertical teleport allows that as well.

2. Brimstone

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Brimstone’s smoke make him and Yoru a deadly duo. The fact that Brimstone can smoke nearly anywhere on the map makes it possible to provide support to Yoru even when splitting, making him slightly more useful on defense. Given Yoru’s kit, it’s reasonable to expect him to be weaker on defense, Brimstone can help shore up those weaknesses.

3. Jett

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Having Jett and Yoru on the same team means going all-out, and rushing in on the attack. The pairing will not be particularly strong on defense, but on offense, the ability of these two to rush into sites and attack enemies from unorthodox angles will be unparalleled.

4. Phoenix

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

Pairing two duelists like Yoru and Phoenix is already demanding an aggressive playstyle, but unlike Jett, Phoenix’s wall can provide opportunities for Yoru to take it a little slower. Placing Phoenix’s wall can give Yoru the chance to sneak to areas undetected and throw out his teleport, providing opportunities to flank enemies.

5. Viper

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

As it stands, Viper is not a particularly strong agent. However, Patch 1.14 brought minor buffs to Viper, and it’s entirely possible that the next patch will make bring Viper into viability again. Viper, much like the other agents on this list, can provide good cover for Yoru to pass through. Her poison wall functions much like Phoenix’s and can allow Yoru to send his teleport somewhere undetected.