5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16

5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16
5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16 / Image via Riot Games

The best bot lane duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16 takes a look at which duos have the best chance to carry games. This list is different from a traditional tier list because it is all about synergy between champions rather than individual power. Let's take a look at which bot lane duos you should try out today.

5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16

Ashe and Leona

Ashe is the best AD carry in the game right now and carries boatloads of crowd control in her kit. Leona gives her the reliable engage and peel that she needs to thrive. This duo is able to lock enemies down for a very long time while Ashe rips through their health bar. This is a fairly easy comp to play and should be at the top of your list to try out.

Caitlyn and Senna

This is another phenomenal comp to try. Caitlyn and Senna have the ability to bully almost any other champion out of bot lane. Their auto attack range is ridiculous and Senna's crowd control gives Caitlyn ample opportunity to drop traps on stunned enemies for free headshots. This duo is is great at denying farm and should almost always come out of lane phase ahead.

Yasuo and Yone

This is completely an experimental pick, but one that must be tried throughout Patch 10.16. The brothers' kits mesh too well and they should shine when playing next to each other. Yone gives Yasuo too many opportunities to find a devastating ultimate. Meanwhile, Yone deals incredible amounts of damage and cannot be ignored. All in all, this bot lane is worth a try and it should see some success as a duo pick in Patch 10.16.

Ezreal and Karma

Ezreal and Karma compliment each other very well. They both like to hang back and poke which makes it extremely uncomfortable to lane against them. Karma's shields help keep Ezreal alive while he continues to poke and she also helps to thin waves--something that Ezreal struggles with. The two are excellent at grinding enemies down and then pouncing when the time is right.

Vayne and Taric

Vayne and Taric pair extremely well because of Taric's ability to keep his carries alive. His stun works well with Vayne's auto attack range and her up close and personal play style. Additionally, Taric's ultimate, which makes allies invincible for a few seconds, gives Vayne more than enough time to burst down her targets. This is an ideal late game scaling duo that's definitely worth a try.