5 Best Counters to Yoru in Valorant

The five best counters to Yoru in Valorant will be essential to know going into Episode 2 Act 1. Expect to see Yoru in nearly every game, that tends to be how it shakes out when a new character is released in any game. Players who know how to counter this new agent will have a massive advantage, especially when people are still learning how to play Yoru well.
Shout out to all the content creators who joined us for the capture event and shared their first impressions of Yoru. pic.twitter.com/STiTJfSCkt
— VALORANT (@PlayVALORANT) January 10, 2021
5 Best Counters to Yoru in Valorant
1. Killjoy
Killjoy, along with Cypher, has the unique advantage of having abilities track and target Yoru while he is invisible. Typically, the only indicator of Yoru walking around while invisible or moving his teleport somewhere are through his footsteps. Killjoy’s turret and alarm bot can both detect Yoru while he is invisible, basically negating his advantage.
2. Cypher
While Killjoy has two abilities able to detect a sneaky Yoru, Cypher’s tripwire is his main asset. Unfortunately, it is all he has to detect Yoru, but he is still able to find invisible enemies, making him a valuable asset in upon Yoru’s release.
3. Skye
Skye’s ultimate can track Yoru no matter where he is, invisible or not. The main downside of this counter is the fact that it would take an ultimate to find Yoru. More often than not Killjoy or Cypher will be better at hunting down Yoru. However, for players unwilling to pick up Killjoy or Cypher, Skye is a perfectly fine alternative.
4. Raze
For players who don’t have the patience to wait out an enemy Yoru, look to Raze. Her satchel charge allows her to push defending enemies and attackers alike. Yoru does not have strong defensive capabilities, and pushing him will be the key to taking him down. The best way to not get flanked is to kill them before they can do it.
5. Jett
Jett’s ability to counter Yoru is much the same as Raze’s, rushing down a Yoru doesn’t allow him to pull any clever tricks. Yoru is all about building advantages through deception, a straightforward champion like Jett can negate any planning a Yoru might try to employ.